♫ ♩ ‘This Is the End, Beautiful Friend’ ♩ ♫

I read this from CNN, “The chief judge in Washington, DC’s federal court laid into the Justice Department on Thursday for its ‘schizophrenic’ and ‘puzzling’ approach to January 6 cases, saying judges’ hands are tied from giving hefty punishments because prosecutors keep offering misdemeanor deals to rioters. Calling the insurrection the ‘crime of the century,’ Chief Judge Beryl Howell of DC District Court said prosecutors’ charging decisions and their suggested punishments for some nonviolent rioters are ‘baffling’ and ‘peculiar.’… ‘This is a muddled approach by the government,’ Howell said. ‘No wonder parts of this public are confused about whether what happened on January 6 at the Capitol was simply a petty offense of trespassing, with some disorderliness, or was shocking criminal conduct that posed a grave threat to our democratic norms.’… The Justice Department has offered misdemeanor plea deals to dozens of rioters who aren’t accused of violence — an approach that prosecutors have said was approved by senior department officials.”

Then I immediately think of a song by The Doors. Probably because this truly is The End. The end of America wrapped up in a bow courtesy of a weak Biden, dumbass Democrats’ inability to fight back ruthlessly, and AG Garland. One may tell I’m having a dreadful week with Democrats. Their incompetence just keeps getting worse, and it’s killing America. Allow me this opportunity to rail against the moron Merrick Garland, specifically, who is single-handedly making sure no domestic terrorist gets the punishment they deserve. He is entirely out of his depth and inadequate to meet the moment of our time! This is actually quite rich, given that Garland became famous for leading the investigation into the 1995 attack on the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, which led to the prosecution of the OG domestic terrorist Timothy McVeigh. Judge Howell is absolutely correct in her above analysis. No wonder people are starting to think the January 6 insurrection against the government is no big deal because the DOJ is treating it that way. Make no mistake. Garland is signing off on all these terrorist plea deals! It’s a f***ing joke. And all the sh*t is starting to roll downhill.

I am starting to think of all the issues Biden is mishandling; this one — an incompetent DOJ — is negatively impacting his job approval the most. The more time that passes and the more nothing gets done with Garland. Then the more disgusted I get with Biden and the entire lot of them. Did anyone see Garland testify in front of the Senate Judicary Committee last week? Oh, my f***ing God! What a f***ing disaster. Garland looked like a f***ing deer in headlights as the likes of Cruz and Hawley laid into him with baseless accusations about school boards and whatever other crap they manage to conjure. Garland, just kind of, sat there looking confused about their attacks. He was somewhat unresponsive, which seems to completely mirror the actions of his DOJ when it comes to pursuing traitors against America. So, our democracy is completely f***ed because no one will do anything to save it or, at the very least, just push back against MAGA. Garland is pathetic and feckless, and Biden is absolutely no better. With each day, I am more convinced America is failed as a nation. Dumbass Democrats are hopeless to save the country. Whatever! I give up! You want to know why Biden sucks in the polls? Because traitor trump is still free and running a shadow counter-presidency in real-time; insurrectionists are getting slaps on the wrists. Biden’s job approval rating sucks because he sucks, and he’s just allowing trumpism to flourish across the land as if there is nothing to worry about. As if just passing his Build Back Better plan will save the day. Another news flash! It won’t. We want traitor trump and all his MAGA morons in jail! But worry not. That will never happen. America would sooner crumble before Democrats ever grew the balls to prosecute traitor trump and hold anyone in his administration accountable. Welcome to stupid America! The end is coming, my friend.