’14 Million Voter’ and Other Things

I have a couple of thoughts. The first one is about the debate and how dumbass Democrats are completely missing the intentions of having it in the first place and the consequences of Biden’s performance. The whole point of Democrats insisting on an early debate (before the conventions, which is unconventional) was to shake up the race. For months — indeed the last year or two — the polls showed a stalemate: Biden consistently behind or tied with traitor trump. The debate was supposed to energize the contest and convince those would-be voters who are not paying that much attention to the presidential campaign yet (which is something inexplicable to me, but that’s an extended rant for another time) that Biden is up to the task of serving another four years. It was literally the moment that Biden asked the public to “look at me.” Well, they did, and it was a disaster. It was the singular moment for Biden to be at the top of his game, and he totally f***ed it up. While dumbass Democrats rightly apprehended his performance to be abysmal, they merely dismiss it as a “bad day.” Un-f***ing-believable! How f***ing out of touch and high on hopium do these moronic Democrats have to be to whitewash this knowingly and highly consequential event as an anomaly which voters — who were invited to watch and judge Biden firsthand — should now simply ignore. The more I think about it, the more infuriated by dumbass Democrats I become. I swear to f***ing God, this party drives me f***ing nuts with their inability to correctly judge reality but also the willingness to dismiss their lying (apparently) eyes. It takes some real f***ing talent to be so willfully ignorant. But I expected nothing less.

This leads me to my second point: Biden’s debate performance clearly shook up the race, but not in the way that dumbass Democrats had hoped. Indeed, the debate had the opposite effect. Now, voters and the public at large have re-evaluated Biden and are left wanting. Clearly, people have formed new (maybe not that new, but certainly calcified existing) opinions of Biden. And an argument that I keep hearing from dumbass Democrats in favor of keeping Biden in the race is the 14 million voters who cast a ballot for him in the primary races. I constantly hear these voters from talk radio to text messages read on the Smerconich show (literally as I write this post) who are so f***ing indignant at the thought of replacing Biden. How dare they [the elites of the Democratic establishment] “invalidate” their vote! Ugh, kill me now! Honestly, 14 million (14,465,519 to be exact, of which I am one) votes are not that many. Allow me to put the number into perspective. First, Biden received 19,080,502 votes in the 2020 primary, and that was against at least eight other candidates. Bernie Sanders was the next highest vote-getter with 9,680,424. So, Biden, running relatively uncontested in the 2024 primary cycle as the current president, received approximately 4.5 million fewer votes. Um, wow! Not a great sign of strength there. Moreover, the total voting-age population as of 2022 is approximately 255,457,000. Biden basically captured 5.7 percent of the voting population — a pittance. Of all registered Democratic voters (45,089,716), Biden received 32.1 percent of support. It’s better than 5.7 percent, but still not an overwhelming mandate, to be sure. And that 14 million compared to Biden’s total votes in the 2020 general election (81,283,501) equates to 17.8 percent. Again a poor showing. What is the point of all these calculations? Those dumbass Democrats bellyaching that their votes for Biden are being “discounted” by talk of forcing him out of the race are insignificant. (Although, it is significant if even a small segment decides to stay on the couch come election day, which they are threatening to do, and, in so doing, it reinforces my original hypothesis: Americans really don’t care about keeping their democracy. They’d rather lose the election as long as they can express their [final] protest vote in service to defending Biden’s dignity and their own ego.) And that doesn’t even contemplate those Democrats who voted for Biden but are now expressing reservations about their choice (of which I am one despite my fait accompli predictions about the election). One poll indicates that as many as 65 percent of Democrats want Biden to abandon his re-election bid, making those who voted for Biden in the primary and who are upset by talk of removing Biden from the ticket even more inconsequential. But all of this is academic because nothing has changed my mind; the conclusion I had drawn years ago remains: Biden is merely the intermission to traitor trump returning to the White House to finish the job of destroying America’s democracy. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America!

Actually, I have one final thought regarding Biden catching COVID. In short, WTF? It’s not that he caught the virus that stirs my ire; it can’t be helped, given his constant exposure to the general populace while out on the campaign trail. But what is aggravating is his “retreat” and “self-isolation” to recover. Ugh! Look, f***tards, we are so past the COVID pandemic, and the virus has done its worst. Yet, we still have dumbass Democrats treating this disease as if it’s the Black Death when, in fact, it is now no more lethal (per the CDC) than the common flu. Not to mention, we actually have effective post-infection treatments for COVID. I’m sure that, between herd immunity, vaccinations, and anti-viral medication, getting COVID nowadays is more of an inconvenience than anything else. Nonetheless, Biden is hold up at his personal residence convalescing. Yes, yes. I know. Given Binden’s age, COVID complications could be more severe. But contrary to the impressions of his “frailty” (stiff gait and movement as a result of arthritis and worn joints), he is an otherwise healthy 81-year-old. Now, I’m not saying he is not doing the work of the presidency while out of public sight, but what I am saying is he’s not doing the work of campaigning. His over-cautiousness once again evinces weakness and perhaps his old age while reinforcing the perceptions of his frailty. (And don’t get me started on the invariable juxtaposition of traitor trump “taking a bullet.” I’m sorry to point out the obvious — whether the comparison is apt or not [it’s not] — but only the optics matter, whereas reasoning and logic do not. How would you perceive traitor trump bouncing back from an assassination attempt compared to Biden retreating for fear of COVID?) When most people are contracting COVID and probably have no f***ing clue about it because the symptoms are being confused with a summer cold, allergies, or the like, or people are entirely asymptomatic for that’s what the virus has devolved into, Biden is perceived as hiding at worst or a pusillanimous at best. This disease did not go the way of the Spanish Flu, which burned hot and quickly for a couple of years, killing 50 million people worldwide. No! COVID has petered out, but dumbass Democrats continue to fear it as a great “contagion,” like the movie. In many respects, how dumbass Democrats continue to think of COVID today and how they react to it — still — mirrors precisely their political timidity: Scared of their own shadow (and cough). You don’t see them getting all apoplectic about the outcomes of the flu. Democrats are weak, so f***ing weak, and that is why they are losing and will lose no matter who sits at the top of the ticket.