
2024 Is Not Your 1930s America — It’s Worse!

This documentary evinces another warning sign of the end of America’s democracy. As I prepare myself for the return of traitor trump to the White House and as Americans decide democracy is simply too difficult to maintain and mentally taxing for them with which to cope, I find myself watching more documentaries and reading books about America’s history. In my casual “research” of what to expect in a country where fascism is rising and democracy is declining, I was surprised to find that our history is littered with a population yearning for a more authoritarian form of government — almost since the inception of America’s founding. And I was also surprised by how violent moments and eras of America’s past have been. Beyond the Civil War, America experienced countless mini-insurrections in states and national clashes (riots) over civil rights and economic inequality and insecurity (read: Blacks vs. Whites, nationals vs. immigrants, haves vs. have-nots, industrialists vs. unions). Civilians and politicians alike throughout our history have been killed during these moments. In all honesty, the violence in the era of traitor trump has been tame by comparison; one might say the current collective reign of terror by RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, evil evangelical, and QAnon kook has been nearly nonexistent. What does this mean for our future? Things can — and will — get worse.

Specific to the PBS documentary Nazi Town, U.S.A., I was not surprised by Nazism taking root in America during the 1930s. The American Bund was a history already known to me, but what surprised me was the movement’s insignificance — only about 100,000 members strong. I was further surprised by the pushback from the general public. It would seem the average American during the 1930s was actually against fascism — abroad or in America. Oh, how things have changed! The problem in the 21st Century is that this authoritarian / America first / isolationist / anti-immigrant movement, unlike the past, is far more substantial and far more pervasive (and dangerous). Instead of American Nazis numbering in the 100,000 range, we now have 45 percent of the population perfectly comfortable with and willing to give up democracy in favor of fascism. Authoritarianism is no longer fringe in America; it’s half the country, and one of the only two major political parties has a leader who is willing to end the American experiment! No questions asked. Anti-democratic forces have always been on the fringe of American society and culture, but not in today’s America of f***tards. Nope! Today, the totalitarian strain of politics is stronger than ever in America, countered by an apathetic, weak, and supremely ignorant pro-democracy faction. Fear not, though! America has a long history of these anti-democratic movements ebbing and flowing, often with little chance of succeeding in the long-term — until now. Only in stupid America! The end is here! Mark my words!