28% of Latinos Love Traitor Trump Is too Much

From the Washington Post, “In Texas, 25 percent would like to see him returned to office, while 69 percent want a Democrat. … Trump won 28 percent of the Latino vote in 2016, compared with more than 40 percent for George W. Bush in 2004 — though he essentially matched Mitt Romney’s 2012 total.” I hope the 72% of Latinos who did not vote for traitor trump seek out and purge the 28% of f***tards that did. The fact that traitor trump registers even >1% of Latino votes is beyond comprehension, but I guess these people have no problem being a party to a conspiracy to kill their own kind. Oh, wait! That’s right. I’ve seen this level of stupidity before. It’s the minority voter that votes RepubliKKKlan who somehow always thinks that being a hated minority in their own party does not apply to them. It’s always the same mindset: it’s the “other” minority that RepubliKKKlans hate — “not me.” Welcome to trump stupid America! I think we should deport minority RepubliKKKlan voters for being so f***ing G.D. stupid.