30% — Requirement for Revolution

What is the minimum requirement of craziness to induce a revolution? Thirty percent! According to MarketWatch, “With anti-immigrant rhetoric bubbling over in the leadup to this year’s critical midterm elections, about 1 in 3 U.S. adults believes an effort is underway to replace U.S.-born Americans with immigrants for electoral gains [aka Great Replacement Theory]. About 3 in 10 also worry that more immigration is causing U.S.-born Americans to lose their economic, political and cultural influence, according to a poll by the Associated Press–NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.”

Look, f***tards! I’m not going to comment much on this because the conclusions are manifest: This is what a dying democracy looks like. America is that dying nation, not because of immigrants but because of homegrown white supremacists. If people think that 30 percent is still too little of a “minority” to throw this nation into civil war, then they have not been paying attention to everything since traitor trump “won” in 2016. Thirty percent is just enough to steal close elections, especially when one party is apathetic and not paying attention. Unfortunately, dumbass Democrats are entirely incompetent to tackle the problem head-on as it should be, and RepubliKKKlans are actually welcoming domestic terrorism because it will propel them to permanent political power. Mark my words! One would think voters could discern between one party that wants to preserve America’s democracy and one that wants to subvert it. But fear not, morons of America. You guys can’t! Welcome to stupid America. The end is coming.