66% Say Keep Roe — Eh, So What!

From CNN, “Sixty-six percent say Roe v. Wade should not be completely struck down, and 59% would support Congress passing legislation to establish a nationwide right to abortion, including 81% of Democrats, 65% of independents and 30% of Republicans, the survey finds.” Compare this to a Morning Consult poll on gun control, “84% of voters, including 77% of Republicans, support requiring all gun purchasers to go through a background check.”

How are these two firmly and long-held public opinions similar? They are meaningless! F***ing meaningless! There is a vast gulf between what people “claim” they support and how much they actually care about their own convictions. America is awash with gun violence. While there is collective outrage over mass killings in schools as a matter of routine, the collective will to do anything about it is zero. Overturning Roe is going to be exactly the same thing: A bunch of rage but no actual action to do anything. Mark my words, morons! People will be pissed, but they’ll be more than happy to elect and re-elect those same politicians who will perpetuate that rage because no one cares. When Roe is gone and states — as well as the federal government soon enough — start restricting women’s rights and other minority rights, then there will be a collective shrug. Mark! My! Words! F***tards! RepubliKKKlans want to roll back progress, and dumbass Democrats stand by to watch! Civil war is coming, and Roe is another gallon of gas thrown on the fire! Welcome to stupid America!