’72 percent of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction’

Oh, joy! Another poll. Another snapshot into the dangerous psyche of the mob. In this latest installment of “where are we now” from NBC News, there are only two responses that matter: “On the state of the nation’s politics, 70 percent agree with the statement that America has become so polarized that it can no longer solve the major issues facing the country — and that those differences will only continue to grow. … That’s a significant shift from when this question was last asked in 2010 — when 50 percent answered that America always comes together in tough times, versus 45 percent who said that the nation’s political differences would only grow. … [And] a whopping 76 percent of Americans — including 7 in 10 Democrats, Republicans and independents — believe there is a threat to democracy and majority rule in this country.”

So! I have heard countless politicians, political pundits, and historians keep reassuring their audiences that Americans will get through these troubled times, that claiming America is headed toward a new civil war is ridiculous and needlessly alarmists, that Americans always come together in the end. And to all these f***tards I always roll my eyes because they are the ones in la-la land. Are you f***ing kidding me with this sh*t? They are just as willfully ignorant and quixotic about the world around them as Carlie Brown and the football. I’ve been saying we’re headed toward a civil war for nearly two years now. In fact, we are in a cold civil war as we speak, and it is only a matter of time before it turns hot. Now, I’m not suggesting the populous will form battle lines with opposing generals leading formations of organized and uniformed soldiers. No, no! This will be more gorilla warfare with random acts of violence, political assassinations, and all-out skirmishes. Like those seen when racists fought with BLM protestors, but much bloodier. Rather than formalized conflict, it will be one block of neighbors against another. It will be neighbors driving out other neighbors as one majority group expels the minority. It will be a slow consolidation, not unlike what is happening now with progressives moving to cities and urban areas while conservatives continue to entrench themselves and wither in rural areas. It will be rural versus urban with militias protecting their turf.

With poll numbers like the ones above, there is only one way to proceed — and that is through! There is no other way, morons. There is no going back or retreating. There is no coming together. The differences are irreconcilable; one side believes in facts and the other side believes in lies. One side is rational; the other side is brainwashed. It is impossible to meet in the middle under such circumstances. There is no other way to undo this mess, except through a great cleansing. There is no reconciliation or mutual understanding, except for the realization that the only way such a divided nation can preserver is when one faction successfully dominates and destroys the other. People may look back to the 1960s as proof we can overcome these troubled times, and in response to that, I say this country is just getting warmed up. This century is not like the last. America is dumber, more armed, more polarized, and more gullible to the point where morons of America absorb and propagate conspiracy theories and other nonsense as if they were sources of mental nutrients. The next presidential election will be the flashpoint of no return, no matter what the results. Although, I will concede there is less likelihood of an eruption of all-out war if a RepubliKKKlan wins because dumbass Democrats will readily give up and accede to domination by RepubliKKKlans and the crazies. Let’s face it: RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon f***tards want to destroy democracy more than dumbass Democrats and Independents want to keep it. Sorry, I have to admit the truth! Mark my words. Of course, if RepubliKKKlans lose, then all hell will break out because they’ve all been conditioned to believe that whenever Democrats win then the election was stolen, without exception. It is a convenient fallacy in which RepubliKKKlans delude themselves into believing they can never — should never — lose an election. As I have said many, many, many, many, many times before a nation this stupid cannot survive. Verily! Welcome to stupid America!