Don’t Get Excited

From CNN: “Republicans have been successfully leveraging the Supreme Court balance of power as a major campaign issue to ignite their base since the 1980s. For Democrats, the 2020 election may mark the first in modern times that they unite around the high court as a driving force in a presidential election. Democratic candidates are increasingly advocating ‘court packing,’ that is, upping the number of Supreme Court justices to balance the bench — or ensure a liberal majority. The idea is unlikely to succeed for historical and practical reasons but its resonance on the campaign trail reflects Democrats’ new emphasis on the judiciary during the Trump era.” Um, yeah, I’m not holding my breath on this hope. As usual, I don’t expect dumbass Democrats to suddenly get a clue on SCOTUS after 40 years of the RepubliKKKlans out-playing them on picking judiciary appointments. Dumbass Democrats are not going to grow a spine on this! They may talk a good game but when push comes to shove they will be too timid to make the grand changes necessary because dumbass Democrats are weak! Weak! Weak! F***ing weak! Welcome to stupid America where the strong and wrong dominate over the weak and right! F*** me!