Get Ready, F***tards! Civil War (Lite) Is Coming

This is not a new notion and I’ve been saying it for years. America is headed toward a second Civil War or at best “just” a colossal clash between the two Americas — left and right. Without a doubt. The radical f***tard right-wing hate groups have been heating up their rhetoric, increasing their presence, and gaining mainstream acceptance since Obama won the presidential election. Now, traitor trump is the apoplectic fruition of right-wing domestic terrorist hate groups (e.g. Proud Boys, Oath Keepers). Traitor trump is the domestic terrorist Proud Boys — among others — leader. I repeat: Traitor trump is the domestic terrorist leader of m*****f***ing U.S. of f***ing A. Full stop! Progressive Americans rested on their laurels after electing the first Black president, believing the nation had finally turned the corner on racism. They were completely unaware (ignorant) of the potential backlash that was allowed to flourish because Democrats failed to completely extinguish the hate groups — I suppose if that was ever going to be a possibility. Traitor trump is all backlash and nearly half of Americans agree with it — probably more, including some Black people! Mark my words, idiots.

I highly recommend reading The Atlantic article on the subject; a salient excerpt reads: “The Oath Keepers did not have 25,000 soldiers at the ready. But the files showed that Rhodes had tapped into a deep current of anxiety, one that could cause a surprisingly large contingent of people with real police and military experience to consider armed political violence. He was like a fisherman who sinks a beacon into the sea at night, drawing his catch toward the light. … I [the author] used them [membership files] as a starting point for conversations with dozens of current and former members. The dominant mood was foreboding. I found people far along in deliberations about the prospect of civil conflict, bracing for it and afflicted by the sense that they were being pushed toward it by forces outside their control. Many said they didn’t want to fight but feared they’d have no choice [emphasis added].” The article ended with this, “By then, some writers popular on the militant right had been warning that wars don’t always start with a clear, decisive event—an attack, a coup, an invasion—and that you might not realize you’re in one until it’s under way. Civil conflict is gradual. The path to it, I thought, might begin with brooding over it. It could start with opening your mind.” Indeed, not until it’s under way.

I have never agreed with the conventional wisdom that this white backlash is merely the throes of a majority facing the changing demographics of America. That perspective just never convinced me. I think the violence emerging today and condoned by traitor trump, MAGA morons, and RepubliKKKlans is nothing more than the extension of those same sentiments which caused the Civil War but were never vanquished when the South lost. The idea of Reconstruction was a mistake; that is to say, the idea of restoring the South to the Union rather than treating the traitor states as permanent territories to be occupied was a mistake. Only the complete and enduring subjugation of southern whites and nothing less should have been the only consideration. Of course, none of this would have mattered anyway given President Johnson. The circumstances of today is an unstoppable train that can only end in a wreck! These white supremacists are a cancer in America and after years of being contained but not cured the cancer is ravaging America, and they will kill it. Mark my word, morons. A Biden win alone will not be the cure. A Biden and Senate win may mean remission, but not the cure. Americans have been sleeping at the wheel believing progress only moves in the forward direction. Whatever! I guess the masses of people can’t be woke until everything falls apart. So, let it! Welcome to stupid America. We are the deadly kind of stupid here!