
A Civil War No Matter What

No matter the 2024 presidential election results, we will be in a new civil war; the only thing that the election will determine is the timing — sooner or later. Let’s start with what I think is the unlikely outcome: Biden wins. If Biden wins reelection, then the MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks will immediately take up arms against their fellow citizens, aggrieved — once again in their warped estimation of reality — over another election being stolen from them. These “Americans” will not abide another loss without exacting revenge. The question becomes this: Does Biden have the steel to quell the uprising quickly, or will his weakness cause him to hesitate? If he hesitates, then traitor trump and the rest of the 45 percent of the traitorous hoards will be incentivized to take up arms, and red states will be encouraged to secede. Then the question is this: How many states that left the Union have a significant portion of America’s military-industrial complex? This is key. Biden would not only have to commandeer military bases immediately and transfer assets to safe Union states, but he would also have to consider neutralizing locations where weaponry is produced in the Rebel states. Part of the reason the Union was destined to win the First Civil War was that the North had the industrial capacity advantage to produce everything needed to win the war, from bullets to grain to trains to shoes. The North had a population advantage as well. Yet, I’m not sure Biden has the strategic mindset to lead a civil war. He’ll be too busy trying to figure out a way to bring everyone together, believing it can be done; but he misunderstands the nature of the friction, for Americans have been headed toward a civil war for decades, and no matter how hard Biden wishes it otherwise, we cannot change course. Neighbors and family members have been turning against each other for a long time now. This 21st-century conflict must run its course.

Then there is the more likely scenario — traitor trump wins. But this will not engender a civil war immediately. A traitor trump win would put Democrats, Democratic-leaning voters, and others, who comprise the actual majority of the population, on the defensive. Needless to say, this coalition of citizens is weak-willed and relatively acquiescent. These morons will want to give traitor trump a chance. (A chance of what I have no idea. He’s not going to be any kinder or gentler dictator.) Whereas a Biden win would instantly exercise the red-hat army, a traitor trump win will take time for the “blue-hat” citizens to mobilize because they will not have realized the urgency of the situation. It is only after traitor trump predictably implements everything he signaled during the presidential campaign that people will begin to agitate. It’s only when traitor trump starts rolling back people’s rights and favored legislation that people begin to rally in the streets, but the new American dictator will send in the military to quash all protests, and therein, the seeds of rebellion begin. It will be much more difficult for the blue hats to win back America, for the military loves traitor trump more than they love the Constitution, especially with him as commander-in-chief. Do not expect the military to hesitate to shoot on their fellow countrymen or to switch sides. (I’m sure the military will have sworn an oath to traitor trump personally by this point.)

No matter the election results in 2024, we are headed for a civil war. Mark my words, morons. Mark them well. I have my ear to the ground. I hear the descents at my local breakfast place. I’ve been on the receiving end of casual discussions equating the zeitgeist of the time to the cause of neighborhood disagreements. I hear co-workers’ conversations tread gingerly, having the political climate in mind and with both sides, no doubt, biting their tongues. To be sure, politics has always been a topic that polite society dares not engage with strangers or co-workers, but there is clearly something more simmering just under the surface — nah, not a thing simmering, rather molten lava stirring and churning below our feet ready to explode into the open. At this point, no one is going to be happy with the election winner; the 2024 election is merely the catalyst for something that has been brewing for decades. And the time has come. War must happen. Welcome to stupid America — one election away from the end of America as we know it!