
A Colored Hindu for President? Not!

From The Hill, “Vivek Ramaswamy. It seems near-certain that Ramaswamy is the candidate whose performance will most divide opinion. It’s easy to see why his supporters could make the case that he shone. He’s clearly different, he withstood some heavy verbal blows and he offers a candidacy uniquely in step with the sensibilities of a new, younger generation.” This guy! What a joke, and clearly, he and others in the RepubliKKKlan Party still have no f***ing clue about the nature of the MAGA moron movement. I always find it fascinating how minorities can be part of a movement of hatred that targets themselves, yet be so f***ing G.D. blind as to not see it as if they are somehow above the rest and that they are not a part of the underclass the rest of the RepubliKKKlan Party abhors. This is especially true for conservative gays, and now it seems Hindu sand n*****s (their words, not mine) have joined the bandwagon of self-loathing. These people are so f***ing stupid I can’t stand it! Can you say token? Sorry, f***tards! But there is no f***ing way a political party dominated by the Christian white nationalist movement will elect Ramaswamy as president — a colored person of some religion most RepubliKKKlans haven’t heard of until now.

Mind you, these are the same conservative morons who killed Sikhs wearing turbans in the streets (or at a gas station) after 9/11, confusing them with Muslims because RepubliKKKlans are too f***ing stupid to know the difference. The only reason Nikki Haley got elected as governor is because she’s a Christian, and her married name is almost as American as apple pie. (Her given name is Nimarata Nikki Randhawa.) Undoubtedly, most people voted for her by the sound of her name on the ballot, having never seen Haley before. And those who could pick her out of a line-up probably thought she was a well-tanned white lady, not knowing that half her ethnicity is Indian — dot, not feather. If she were so proud of her heritage, then why doesn’t she go by her given first name — Nimarata? I’ll tell you why. It’s for the same reason the MAGA moron movement will never accept someone named Vivek Ramaswamy, no matter how hard he tries to deny his own ethnicity and out-whitey whitey. Welcome to stupid America! All stupid all the time!