A Country of Total F***tards: U.S.

NBC News reports, “The IRA’s disinformation campaign was described in the final report by special counsel Robert Mueller, and in his indictment of multiple Russian nationals. U.S intelligence agencies assessed that the social media manipulation was part of a Russian intelligence operation designed to undermine American democracy by exacerbating divisions, hurt Democrat Hillary Clinton and help Trump. Experts say the U.S. government and American social media companies have yet to develop a strategy to prevent such manipulation from happening again. Just last week, a different cybersecurity firm exposed an Iranian effort to manipulate U.S. social media with fake accounts.” It is amazing that this country is so f***ing G.D. stupid that social media is the new stand-in for reasoned research, informed opinion making, and intellect. Oh, yes. By all means, let’s turn to social media accounts to get “news” or become “informed.” I just can’t anymore! This country is so far f***ed up and stupid that I think it is beyond repair. People are too stupid to discern news from “fake” news (aka lies to non-idiots). The reason Russia was so successful with their disinformation campaign is that America is full of m*****f***ing G.D. idiots, just complete abject stupidity! Full stop! Welcome to stupid America. It is permanently dumb here which means MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans run the nuthouse.