According to The Hill, “Sixty-two percent of Americans say President Biden has not achieved much during his first two years in office, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows, despite efforts by Democratic leaders to frame that time as the most productive in Washington since Lyndon Baines Johnson’s ‘Great Society’ agenda. Only 36 percent of Americans surveyed said they thought Biden had accomplished ‘a great deal’ or ‘a good amount.’” Really? Seriously? What the m*****f***ing G.D. hell? I can’t f***ing understand this at all. (Oh, but I can actually.) Even with Biden currently on my sh*t list, I cannot deny this list of accomplishments, according to PolitiFact:
• American Rescue Plan Act. This coronavirus and economic relief bill, passed by a party-line vote, provided direct stimulus checks, extended unemployment insurance, temporarily expanded the child tax credit and provided aid to states and localities.
• Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. This bipartisan law invests in water, energy and broadband infrastructure.
• Inflation Reduction Act. This law, passed by a party-line vote, includes provisions that allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, extend Affordable Care Act subsidies, address climate change and impose higher taxes on the largest corporations.
• Chips and Science Act. This bipartisan measure offers support for domestic semiconductor manufacturing, research and development.
• Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. Passed in the wake of mass shootings in Buffalo, New York, and Uvalde, Texas, this law expands background checks for people younger than 21; increases funding for mental health services; closes the “boyfriend loophole” for firearm purchases by those who have been convicted of domestic violence; and offers funding for states to implement firearms confiscation laws for those determined by a court to be a significant danger to themselves or others.
• Sgt. 1st Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics, or PACT, Act. Widens veterans’ health benefits for those who experienced harmful environmental exposures during military service, including hazardous waste burn pits.
• Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which had lapsed, and two bills addressing sex abuse.
• National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022, which included a pay increase for service members.
• COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act, which addresses attacks on Asian Americans partly by increasing access to the reporting of hate crimes and expediting the review of hate crimes related to COVID-19.
• Postal Service Reform Act, which repeals a pre-funding requirement for postal retirement benefits that had been a financial albatross.
• Ocean Shipping Reform Act, which funds increased oversight of international ocean carriers.
• Several bills levying sanctions, including the Ending Importation of Russian Oil Act; the Suspending Normal Trade Relations with Russia and Belarus Act, and a ban on imports from the region of China where the Chinese government is widely believed to be repressing the Uyghur ethnic minority.
• Emmett Till Antilynching Act, which makes lynching a federal hate crime.
• Juneteenth National Independence Day Act, designating a federal holiday for Juneteenth, marking the emancipation of enslaved African Americans on June 19 every year.
• State and Local Government Cybersecurity Act of 2021, requiring the Department of Homeland Security to bolster collaboration with state, local, tribal and territorial governments on cybersecurity.
• Several bills on crime and policing, including the Public Safety Officer Support Act of 2022, the Homicide Victims’ Families’ Rights Act of 2021, the Capitol Police Emergency Assistance Act of 2021 and the Supreme Court Police Parity Act of 2022.
• The Senate also approved a treaty backed by the Biden administration to phase out certain chemicals used in refrigeration that are considered a risk for climate change.
• Get COVID-19 under control. While the coronavirus is still killing nearly 400 Americans a day, deaths and hospitalizations have been largely steady at today’s level since April 2022, which is far below previous peaks of 2,000 to 3,000 deaths per day.
• Establish new fuel economy standards. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has set new fuel efficiency standards for vehicles, mandating higher targets for new cars and light trucks for model years 2023 to 2026.
• Rejoin the Paris climate agreement. The United States rejoined the Paris Agreement, pledging to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% from where they were in 2005 by the year 2030.
• Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act. This measure would prevent the uncertainties in counting presidential electoral votes that fed the events of Jan. 6, 2021. The measure appears to have attracted enough Republican support to break a filibuster, but Democrats are expected to wait until after the election to bring it up for a vote.
• Codify same-sex and interracial marriage. The House has passed a measure that would ensure the continued legality of same-sex and interracial marriages, which might be at risk if the logic of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade is applied to other topics beyond abortion. The House has passed a version of this legislation, but Democrats still need to secure enough Republican senators to get past a possible filibuster.
• The unemployment rate fell to 3.5 percent, which is the lowest unemployment in 50 years. This is part of the inflation puzzle by the way. People want the economy to run in perfect equilibrium at all times. That’s not how reality works and never will, morons! Whatever! Americans are unlearnable. But I digress.
• Biden is leading the Alliance’s effort to counter Russia’s war in Ukraine and China’s aggression — although he could be doing more. But it’s certainly more than traitor trump has ever done.
Yet, the average American moron thinks Biden hasn’t done much. This is why America is doomed. An America this stupid simply cannot endure. And I don’t want to hear one dumbass Democrat claim that Biden or Democrats have merely failed to tout their accomplishments. These successes are not ancient history; presumably, American citizens have actually lived through these achievements in real-time if they were paying attention, which I suppose could be the root problem: F***tard Americans are too busy with the Metaverse, TikTok, and Lord knows whatever else escape/defy reality application their eyes are glued too. Nonetheless, the outcome is the same — a supremely and willfully ignorant populace. I guess if politicians cannot answer the question by idiot Americans — “Yeah, but what have you done for me lately?” — then Biden has done nothing at all. That is to say, if selfish Americans can’t pinpoint what the government has done for them, then it’s done nothing! This country of “me! me! me!” cannot survive, for when a citizenry is this stupid, people like traitor trump (or the like) get elected. Welcome to stupid America! Mostly morons here. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯