Mueller Hearings: A Disaster

A tie goes to traitor trump! The Mueller hearings were a f***ing disaster for dumbass Democrats. There is absolutely no way one could possibly think otherwise. There is no way to sugarcoat the situation. To a large extent, dumbass Democrats over-promised (even if they did not intend to do so) and Muller under-performed. Mueller sounded exactly like the dotard RepubliKKKlans were making him out to be after the first hearing — he did slightly better in the afternoon session but still lacked the command and forcefulness need to convince anyone. Between his reluctance to answer 200+ questions (shock!) and demonstrating that he apparently has never actually read his own report makes the testimony worthless. I honestly think he ended the investigation when he did because he was too tired (or simply did not wish) to continue! I have to admit since dumbass Democrats could not deliver they should have never forced him to testify. Perhaps it was negligent of them do to so knowing the condition of Mueller’s facilities. Although I was never expecting Mueller to help the Democrat’s case much, he ended up doing more damage to it! Great! Congratulations, dumbass Democrats! Keep digging! Don’t stop now! What’s the point? Idiots!

This is the bottom line for the entire problem: if Mueller did not indict, then people will perceive traitor trump as being innocent and the case is closed. It does not matter if Mueller was prevented from indicting at the outset. It does not matter if Mueller claims traitor trump was not exonerated in the end. It does not matter. None of this matters because people are too stupid to understand the nuances of the situation. They are too stupid to understand that DOJ policy (an administrative guideline, not law) dictates that a sitting president cannot be indicted. People are too stupid to understand that it was essentially paperwork that stopped Mueller from indicting traitor trump. As far as the idiots of America are concerned if traitor trump is not in hand-cuffs then he never did anything wrong. Yup! People are too stupid. This entire traitor trump presidency has been one long demonstration of a bunch of morons ruling over everyone else, and we just take it. At least Puerto Rico had the guts to rise up and oust their corrupt governor, but here on the mainland, it’s crickets and a lot of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Welcome to trump stupid America! Get ready for another four years of traitor trump because this is a supremely stupid country. Just another day of being f***ed in America!