A.G. Garland Is a F***ing Disaster for America!

According to reporting from The Washington Post, “A Washington Post investigation found that more than a year would pass before prosecutors and F.B.I. agents jointly embarked on a formal probe of actions directed from the White House to try to steal the election. Even then, the F.B.I. stopped short of identifying the former president as a focus of that investigation. A wariness about appearing partisan, institutional caution, and clashes over how much evidence was sufficient to investigate the actions of Trump and those around him all contributed to the slow pace. Garland and the deputy attorney general, Lisa Monaco, charted a cautious course aimed at restoring public trust in the department while some prosecutors below them chafed, feeling top officials were shying away from looking at evidence of potential crimes by Trump and those close to him, The Post found. … The Justice Department’s painstaking approach to investigating Trump can be traced to Garland’s desire to turn the page from missteps, bruising attacks and allegations of partisanship in the department’s recent investigations of both Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election and Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server. Inside Justice, however, some lawyers have complained that the attorney general’s determination to steer clear of any claims of political motive has chilled efforts to investigate the former president. ‘You couldn’t use the T word,’ said one former Justice official briefed on prosecutors’ discussions.”

Un-f***ing-believable! Yet, I am utterly unsurprised because I’ve been saying it for years now — years: Garland is a f***ing G.D. disaster for America! He is, by far, the worst A.G. selected by a Democratic president — ever. And don’t get me started on F.B.I Director Wray. He’s another joke that idiot-boy Biden allows to remain in office. In fact, this is always the case with f***ing G.D. pathetic Democrats; they always hold over and, in some cases, re-nominate F.B.I. directors that RepubliKKKlan presidents elected. I think Clinton was the last time a Democratic president got his own director that a RepubliKKKlan did not previously appoint. So, why should I be surprised Wray and the F.B.I. helped to stonewall and slow-walk investigating traitor trump? But whatever! I digress.

So, Garland’s pathic weakness and dithering will, in effect, let traitor trump off the hook because his delay in prosecuting traitor trump has landed indictments during election season, and there is no f***ing way in hell traitor trump is going to trial before the next presidential election. It just ain’t going to happen, f***tards, because now he’s a presidential candidate, which, contrary to pundits’ naive belief in the “rule of law,” does have a level of political protection of its own. And there are enough traitor trump loyalists sprinkled throughout the government and judiciary (Cannon!) to help him avoid accountability before people next vote. Traitor trump should have been indicted at least a year ago, but no! Because Garland is so worried about not looking partisan and remaining impartial, he’s actually created an even worse situation now. It would have been better if traitor trump had been indicted sooner and closer to the insurrection instead of f***ing 2+ years (and counting) later. And don’t get me started about the year of begging traitor trump for his presidential records. That was another mistake. They knew he was holding (hoarding) sensitive, classified documents, yet they wasted a whole f***ing year trying to get those papers back by politely asking, repeatedly giving him the benefit of the doubt when his entire presidency evinced that he should never be given any benefit, but, again, whatever!

And I have no doubt, if by some miracle of God, traitor trump gets convicted, and Biden is re-elected, Biden would pardon or commute traitor trump’s conviction because deep down inside, he is one of those “healing the nation” types ala President Ford, which, of course, would signal to all future criminal presidents that they are above the law because there is always a RepubliKKKlan or Democratic president to absolve their crimes against the nation. I’m sure Biden will claim the conviction of traitor trump by his peers is deterrence enough and sends the right message to the country and future presidents — right before he issues the pardon, thereby undoing said message. Oh, yeah! I do not doubt it because I live in stupid hell. I could continue, but I’m trying to be more concise in my posts.

Let me close by saying America is just too f***ing weak and stupid to be counted on to do the right thing, namely save itself from fascism. Winston Churchill absolutely f***ing nailed the American ethos when he said (allegedly), “Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else.” Indeed! And by then, it will be too late. What a f***ing joke! Truly! Welcome to stupid America! The end is coming, engendered by RepubliKKKlans’ lust for autocracy and undeterred by Democrats’ pusillanimousness. I expected nothing less! Now ask me how I really feel!