A Gimmick for the Masses

Apparently, Biden saw the polls and is responding accordingly — to the extent a president can respond. As CNBC reports, “The U.S. will release 1 million barrels of oil per day from its strategic reserves to help cut gas prices and fight inflation across the country, the White House announced Thursday. … Roger Read, senior energy analyst at Wells Fargo Securities, noted that Biden’s planned daily release from the SPR is about 1% of daily global production and 5% of U.S consumption. … ‘I don’t want to make it sound like it’s nothing, but you just arrive at the issue where we may be off a lot more than just 1 million barrels. So it helps, but it’s unlikely to solve the problem,’ he said. ‘In the end, it’s a little bit of a Band Aid and I think a little bit of hoping to get later in the year OPEC catch up.’”

This is just a gimmick that may impact gas prices on the margins — perhaps a nickel or a dime. It will be difficult to discern between a drop in gas prices due to Biden’s actions and natural price fluctuations. I guess what irks me is that Biden has been diminished to responding to the uneducated hoards with such a gimmick, knowing that he can’t do much, that his actions won’t achieve much. Sadly, stupid America needs their empty gestures. They need big daddy to stand in front of the nation to pat their heads and assuage them of the fear of perhaps — just perhaps — having to suck up the world’s pain — poor snowflake voters. But Biden’s gotta do what he’s gotta do, so if it works, then great, but people should not expect much. To Biden’s credit, he did try to educate the morons of America during his speech about unused leases and the desire to get off oil. Ha! Getting off oil — the one thing Americans don’t want because, you know, climate change is a hoax. People don’t want to have to endure difficult moments in history and make difficult choices; they just want the president to appear like he’s trying to make the hard choices for them. In the end, I just wish Americans would wake the f*** up and stop blaming Biden and Democrats for sh*t out of their control and start to apprehend the reality of the world around them. Welcome to stupid America!