A Money Crunch?

From CNN, “Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin on Friday issued a warning Friday that the US government is at risk of running out of cash sooner than expected.” Whaaaaaaat?!?! How can this be? I thought tax cuts for the rich and the resulting booming economy would pay for itself. I thought tax cuts for the rich trickled down to lift all boats and bring in more revenue to the government. I thought tax cuts were always the cure. I thought traitor trump was going to fix everything. He said it was going to be easy. He said everyone before him was too stupid to understand how the economy and finance work. Welcome to trump stupid America! Naturally, only MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans believe this as they could not possibly care less that America sinks deeper and deeper into debt because, of course, it’s Obama’s fault. After two-plus years understand traitor trump it is still all the fault of the black man. Un-f***ing-believable! I can’t take the stupidity of this country! It is always the RepuliKKKlan party that gets us into a worse fiscal position while claiming they are the party of fiscal responsibility. Then Democrats have to come in and make difficult decisions to save the economy (which they do) but then the masses of f***tards resent those difficult consequences. So, what do they do? They elect a RepubliKKKlan back into office to make matters worse again. Welcome to stupid f***ing G.D. America. Face it! This country is too stupid to deserve anything other than complete ruination. Seriously! The country is too stupid to understand that democracy does not run on autopilot — dictatorships do! So, bring it. I give up! Let’s just start over because clearly those voting nowadays have no f***ing clue what the f*** they are doing!