
A Pound of Flesh

According to NBC News, “’ Reports of women raped — repeatedly raped — and their bodies being mutilated while still alive, of women’s corpses being desecrated, Hamas terrorists inflicting as much pain and suffering on women and girls as possible and then murdering them. It is appalling,’ the president said. … The most voluminous evidence is of bodily mutilation of sexual organs by bullet, knife or even scissors, according to an NBC News analysis of the evidence currently available. ‘They had a thing with sexual organs, both in women and men,’ a first responder told police in videotaped testimony. A woman whose job it was to open the body bags of women and prepare their bodies for burial told NBC News in an interview Monday that she saw multiple female corpses that had been mutilated. ‘They were shot in the vagina, they were shot in the breast,’ she said. ‘And this seemed like a systematic attempt at genital mutilation.’… ‘They laid a woman down and I understood that he is raping her …they passed her on to another person,’ the witness told police in a video reviewed by NBC News. ‘And he cuts her breasts, he throws it on the road they are playing with it.’”

First, Islam is the worst f***ing religion in the world — bar none. Only Muslims engage in such barbaric behavior and have spread terrorism worldwide for decades — nay, hundreds of years. Especially in the last several decades, we have been forced to suffer under the spread of Islamic terrorism, all the while having to hear disclaimers about how Islam is primarily a religion of “peace.” Muslims sure do have a weird notion of peace, and as I have written countless times previously, please show me where in the world Jews or Christians routinely inflict terrorism (e.g., 9/11) and barbarism (e.g., Sharia law whereby women are treated like second class citizens, criminals are publicly hanged, and many more religious goodies) on the rest of the world. Nowhere! It does not happen. Any Muslim who has not lost their religion for what is routinely done in the name of Islam is just part of the problem.

Second, while the generalities of the savagery described above have been known shortly after Hamas attacked Israel, the specifics are relatively new, if not more starkly and vividly presented. In light of these new accounts, what then is my opinion of Israel’s prosecution of the war in Gaza? Unchanged from before. I say root out Hamas everywhere it exists, and if civilians — innocent men, women, and children — get in the way and die as a result, then oh, f***ing well. Too bad! I really don’t give a f***. And I’m not sure why this is so confusing or complicated. The terrorist group Hamas, which is also the duly elected government of the Gaza Strip, attacked and declared war on Israel, and now Israel is taking the war to the Palestinians. I utterly fail to see the problem with this and why the world is so outraged that Israel is defending itself. (I’m sure Jew hatred explains everything.) Were Americans and the world, for that matter, all up in arms when the U.S. military firebombed Tokyo during WW II, which, by the way, killed more people than either Hiroshima or Nagasaki? No! Israel razing the Gaza Strip and the collateral damage (civilian deaths) is no different in any way. So, if Hamas felt the need to cut off the breasts of Israeli women as an act of terrorism, then I am entirely copacetic with Israel extracting many more pounds of flesh by killing Palestinian children. I am unsympathetic. An eye for an eye! It is a bromide as old as the Torah (and Bible) itself.