A Stronger Biden, Finally?

From Axios, “His [Biden] aggressive new mandates on vaccinations and testing — announced in a speech ahead of TV networks’ nightly news broadcasts — are far bolder and broader than most health care, business and political leaders expected. (Or than he’d previously suggested he’d have the authority to pursue.) … The majority of U.S. sentiment may be with him. But Biden’s still taking a major political risk, and he and his team know it. He’s testing business leaders’ resolve, putting Democrats’ standing in swing states and districts on the line ahead of 2022’s midterm elections and tempting a tsunami of litigation over new requirements that could touch 100 million Americans.”

Good! About f***ing time! About f***ing time Biden stood up in front of the nation and stood up to the anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers, who are destroying America’s recovery, to say enough is enough! Either get vaccinated or f*** off! Of course, the majority of Americans are behind him, and dare I say most Americans wonder what took so long. Perhaps some — myself included — think he may not have gone far enough. I still heard one f***ing “please” too many. F***ing enough with the asking; it is time to simply demand! I’m done with the entreaties! It’s f***ing do it or else. And that else is, “You’re fired!” And, of course, one can gauge how deep his strength struck the nerves of MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans by the swiftness with which they called upon people to ignore Biden and continue to drag the country backward. I only hope this is the moment in which it becomes open season on anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers. I hope this finally gives permission for the 60 percent of those who want to get the pandemic behind us to go after the 40 percent of morons that really are just too f***ing stupid to be part of society. Hell! Texas’s abortion law laid the groundwork for citizens to go after citizens, and, in this case, I could not agree more. Anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers must be shunned (or eliminated) from society. Hopefully, shunned to a point where they go poor and die — move to a red state! The more the better. I think the willingly unvaccinated should be denied hospitalization care. Full stop! Let them die for their poor choices!

Now, the big question remains: Does Biden have enough balls to actually enforce his words with real, consequential action? Therein, I have many, many doubts! Welcome to stupid America. Too stupid to prosper, apparently.