A Stupid Country Stumbling Into War ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Politico reports, “Trump’s ‘maximum pressure’ campaign against the mullahs in Tehran has exacerbated fissures between the two men over the tight control Bolton has tried to exert over the national security decision-making process — and introduced new ones over the direction of U.S. policy.” The shrugging shoulder is my new favorite emoji as it precisely emotes the general attitude of stupid, apathetic Americans who apparently have no clue about anything. While the administration sends mixed messages about how to handle Iran ranging from “let’s negotiate” to “let’s strike first” people are just humming along as if nothing is happening — the stock market bounces back, traitor trump’s approval job rating holds steady, and consumer confidence in the economy remains solid. Clearly, this is a stupid country that has no idea what’s happening in the world around them. (Go figure.) Hello, morons. There is much more that can go wrong than can go right with this escalation! People really should be concerned about this mess. Traitor trump has only shown a talent for destroying things, not fixing them. As usual, they will be concerned when it’s too late!

Make no mistake Bolton is intent on going to war with Iran and he will manipulate the situation to ensure that it happens. The analysis is rather straightforward in this case. Bolton is not as much of an idiot as everyone else in the administration, especially traitor trump. He understands how to easily manipulate the president’s ego. He doesn’t need traitor trump to act first; he just needs him to react. Bolton need only to keep turning up the heat hoping someone makes a mistake and then he knows traitor trump will never back down because the last thing the president wants is to come off as looking weak on the world stage. Right or wrong, once he feels committed then it’s all in.

Mark my words! In an administration in constant disarray and turmoil with a president that lacks intelligence and any real desire to do his job, stumbling into war is all the more probable. The only way things could change is if traitor trump fires Bolton in time.

And don’t think Congress is going to act as a bulwark against anything. I don’t give one G.D. f*** what Pelosi says about only the House can declare war. That hasn’t f***ing stopped any president from going to war since WWII. Congress has been incompetent to stop the war powers of the president, and frankly, they’d rather not have to vote on any such measure because they are weak. As usual, the president will go around Congress if necessary and Congress will do this: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. The last time a president started an illegal war –Bush II — Pelosi promptly dismissed persuing any Congressional actions against him when she came to power. In her stunning words, she said the country wanted to move on from Iraq (and apparently holding people accountable). Um! No! See, my new favorite emoji. Useful for any occasion.