A Woman Cannot Win (Hillary)

According to the AP, “Elizabeth Warren made a forceful case for a female president and stood behind her accusation suggesting sexism by progressive rival Bernie Sanders in a Democratic debate that raised gender as a key issue in the sprint to Iowa’s presidential caucuses.” No, a woman cannot win the Electoral College in the good ole misogynistic United States of America. Hello! Hillary? I don’t even know where to begin with this argument except to say dumbass Democrats are perennially stuck in happy, fantasy world which, of course, means they are forever incapable of understanding the essence of the enemy, and if one cannot understand the enemy then one will never beat them. Welcome to stupid America hell! Who is the enemy? RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and evil Evangelicals. All of whom think women should not be in positions of power, and if I’ve said it once to the idiots of America then I’ve said it a hundred f***ing thousand times before: while the majority of America would (and have) voted for a woman to be president this stupid country is not run by the majority — it is held hostage by the minority, and the minority is racist, misogynist, anti-gay, etc. So, welcome to trump stupid America. This is the new normal because dumbass Democrats are too weak to do anything about it.