
Abortion Bans Gaining Momentum

In South Carolina according to CNN, “South Carolina House members approved a controversial bill late Wednesday that would ban most abortions as early as six weeks into pregnancy, after having spent the last two days in contentious debate on the legislation. … Democratic lawmakers had filed more than 1,000 amendments to the legislation and vowed to make fellow legislators consider all of them, while Republicans said they would stay to work on the bill for as long as it took [and the did]. … The bill will now head to the Republican-controlled state Senate, where lawmakers will consider changes made by the House. The Senate passed the initial version of the bill back in February.”

Then in North Carolina according to CNN, “North Carolina’s Republican-led General Assembly moved Tuesday to ban most abortions after 12 weeks, voting to override a veto from Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper. … Republicans in the state gained a veto-proof supermajority last month when then-Democrat Cotham switched parties. Cotham, who had campaigned in favor of abortion rights as a Democrat and sponsored legislation earlier in the legislative session to codify Roe v. Wade, was one of the Republicans who voted for the abortion ban. She was joined by the other Republican lawmakers identified by Cooper in voting to overturn his veto.”

Hmmm…how can this be? I thought the end of Roe would inspire women to take to the streets to demand legislatures preserve their rights to bodily autonomy. What’s happening instead? Red states and RepubliKKKlans are barreling forward with rolling back women’s rights to healthcare no matter what the majority want because they can. In fact, North Carolina will go so far as to have their Manchurian candidate run as a Democrat and then “suddenly” switch parties to achieve a veto-proof RepubliKKKlan supermajority. I don’t believe in coincidence. Cotham was a long-game play to rig the system, of course. And, again, where are the women protesting this deception and subterfuge in North Carolina? Where are the marches? Where are the boycotts? Crickets! Nothing! Nada! Zilch! For a segment of the population that is supposed to be exercised by the constant attack on women’s freedom, they sure are passive about their freedoms being rolled back. As I have been saying ever since the abortion issue intensified: Abortion rights are always someone else’s problem. Oh, sure, women will readily vote to protect their rights if it’s explicitly placed on the ballot as an initiative or amendment, but other than that, forget about it. Voters just let their rights be taken away without a second thought.

And don’t be fooled by the likes of the “common sense” or “pragmatic” abortion restrictions North Carolina enacted, for that is just the beginning, f***tards. The true goal is a total abortion ban or a 6-week ban, which is, in effect, a total ban. Look to Florida for that game plan. Anticipating the end of Roe, Flordia had a 15-week ban in place and ready to go. Do you think they stopped there as if that was not radical enough? Fast forward to last month, DeSantis signed into law the 6-week ban with little more than a blimp of notice or outrage. I keep telling you f***tards, no one cares, least of all women. I will give North Carolina until next year before a 6-week abortion ban bill is introduced, and the rest will be history. And don’t think voters will punish RepubliKKKlans in the 2024 elections. Even if voters elect more Democrats as a consequence of a 6-week ban, it won’t be enough to reverse that legislation. Once a 6-week ban is in place, it will be permanent; RepubliKKKlans are willing to make that sacrifice: Giving up a seat or two to Democrats. But it’s still a long way from RepubliKKKlans losing control of the state House and Senate because this is the government people want! This is the M.O. of the RepubliKKKlan Party as sure as the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West. And guess what? No one f***ing cares. RepubliKKKlans will do whatever it takes to ban all abortions everywhere, and women will let them. Mark my words, morons! Welcome to stupid America! People get the government they deserve and desire! Oh, well! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯