Abortion Rights Are on the Ballot — to Help RepubliKKKlans

According to the Missouri Independent, “Missourians seem poised to legalize abortion and increase the minimum wage in November but are unlikely to embrace the Democratic statewide candidates who are among the ballot measures’ most ardent supporters, a new poll shows. The proposal to enshrine the right to abortion up until the point of fetal viability in the Missouri Constitution drew support from 52% of people surveyed between Aug. 8 and 16 for the St. Louis University/YouGov poll. The minimum wage increase, to $15 an hour by Jan. 1, 2026, had even stronger backing, with 57% of those surveyed saying they support it. The poll also found majorities supporting every Republican running statewide, who each held at least a 10-percentage point lead over Democratic opponents. Former President Donald Trump was selected by 54% of respondents, with 41% backing Vice President Kamala Harris. The poll gives Lt. Gov. Mike Kehoe a 51% to 41% advantage over House Minority Leader Crystal Quade in the governor’s race.” Ha!

Look, f***tards! How many f***ing times must I say it? How many times?!?! Abortion rights are always someone else’s problem, and do not rely on the issue to save Democrats in the upcoming election. Yet this is exactly what dumbass Democrats expect will happen with all these abortion rights initiatives on state ballots. I never thought these referenda would help Democrats exactly for the reasons that the poll above evinces: People, on the one hand, will gladly support ballot measures to guarantee abortion rights and then, on the other hand, elect politicians who want to take those rights away. As usual, idiot Americans never make any f***ing sense because I live in stupid f***ing hell. I just knew this would be the case. I f***ing knew it! Granted, this is one poll in a red state, but I think it is more indicative of how people will vote elsewhere, splitting their votes like abject morons.

As usual, these f***tard voters of the highest moronic order aren’t thinking when they split (or consider splitting) their votes like this. These sh*t-for-brains voters believe that by voting to enshrine abortion protections into their state constitutions as a personal right, then they’re safe. Mission accomplished. Nothing more needs to be done. Now, they can continue voting for RepubliKKKlans. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! Have these people forgotten recent history? (Of course, they have if they ever learned anything from history in the first place.) Have they forgotten the era of Roe? Allow me to remind the hoards of idiots out there.

Once upon a time, under Roe, women had a constitutional right to privacy, which guaranteed a right to an abortion until fetal viability. But what did RepubliKKKlans and red states do with this constitutional right? They spent 50 years attacking and weakening it, ever-increasing the restrictions on this federally recognized right. Despite Roe, Mississippi had only one abortion clinic to service the entire state. So, I guess these idiot voters who support abortion rights yet will elect RepubliKKKlans to state and federal offices are completely clueless. I fully expect Missouri will not hesitate to pass laws to make abortions just as difficult to obtain as it was in Mississippi before Dobbs. For all these red states that pass voter-approved abortion rights protections, the legislatures will make it impossible for a person to get one. Oh, sure, the state constitution may guarantee the right to an abortion, but good luck getting one when — you know — states only allow one clinic to service the entire population. Whatever! I so f***ing give up. Nothing matters anymore because people vote like the idiots that they are. Welcome to stupid America!