Active Shooter Meeting

Well, it finally happened. There was an active shooter meeting at work yesterday, which informed us what to do in the event of an active shooter. In short, the advice was run, hide, fight. I also learned that last year the office building was in a (quiet) lockdown at one point because of an uncertain incident at another office building across the street. Then there was a situation a few weeks ago that required heightened security (more security guards on-premise) because an employee was threatened by a domestic matter, so naturally everyone in the building was threatened. This is the price of freedom? It is impossible to overstate the abject stupidity into which this country has fallen. We now accept the potential for daily violence by guns as merely a part of life. Un-f***ing-believable! Hello f***ing G.D. morons of the highest order! This is not normal! This is not how we should be expected to live just for the sake of protecting the Second Amendment. Wake the f*** up voters! When the f*** will people understand that the majority is being terrorized by the minority? Vote! Vote! Vote! (Except for RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons; those people should go play in traffic or Russian roulette until they run out of bullets.) Welcome to trump stupid America!