Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

First Axiom: [T]rump Ain’t Going Nowhere

This CNN headline made me chuckle: “Donald Trump’s terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week in court.” And this RawStory headline engendered a smirk: “Trump pleading the Fifth will ‘begin to cement’ his legacy as ‘the mob boss president’: Former prosecutor.” Look, morons! I hardly read these stories and listen to the news coverage anymore because they are all more wishful thinking than anything else. Dumbass Democrats and liberals have been engaging in wishful thinking for five or six years now. I stopped after the Mueller report, and my trenchant skepticism has proved correct in both impeachment trial outcomes and will surely be so with traitor trump’s legal woes. In fact, listening to MSM breathlessly chronicle traitor trump’s legal vicissitudes is just a waste of time at this point. If I have to hear one more pundit, commentator, or “expert” claim, “this is it for traitor trump,” then I’m going to go postal. Once again, I will remind the reader and the world of one immutable fact: No court in the land of the U.S.A. is ever going to convict a former president. Ain’t never going to happen in any universe or in any time continuum. He is untouchable, and just you wait until he declares his candidacy. Dare I say that I can construct an axiom based on this self-evident understanding. Let’s call it the First Axiom of Political Science for Presidents: Ain’t no president or ex-president ever going to be convicted of a crime or go to jail — ever. Shall I evince some premier examples? Nixon was pardoned for his crimes. Reagan, with the Iran-Contra illegal arms sales, faced no legal consequences. Bush II committed war crimes, and Obama said let’s move on. Presidents always getting away with criminal matters is most certainly true. As for traitor trump’s civil cases, they will drag on for years and years, ending in a settlement at some point, especially those cases brought by a state. New York, for instance, just wants its back taxes plus interest and penalties from Trump Co.

The funny yet aggravating thing about all the news coverage of traitor trump’s legal issues, especially from liberal MSM who think all these revelations actually mean something to voters, is they really don’t matter to voters at all. How many times must I say it to all the f***tards out there? Traitor trump was a crook long before he ran for president. He was a crook while he was president. And he’s still crooking as an ex-president. Yet, he’s still the most popular RepubliKKKlan in the country. In the last election, he got 10 million more votes than he got the first time. Four years of being an incompetent and crooked con man leading this country, and more people liked him for it! I wish people would finally wake the f*** up and understand that the American voter is just too f***ing stupid — trump stupid! Americans like their “mob boss president,” so when people use the term derisively, half the country either doesn’t care or embraces the notion.

And again, I will remind the reader and the world that Biden won by half the votes in the key swing states that got him in office than traitor trump did against Clinton. In other words, it was a much tighter race between Biden and traitor trump than the popular vote count suggests. Again, it was a tighter race after four years of traitor trump. So, don’t think for a second any legal issues, which are all just smoke and mirrors at this point, are going to stop voters from voting for the same crook — again. And as I’ve said countless times already, the RepubliKKKlan Party is fixing all the problems in the states where they could not achieve Electoral College victories so that traitor trump can win in the next RepubliKKKlan-rigged election, which may not be as close as in 2020. The idea that the law is finally going to rid us of traitor trump is pure fantasy. Only his death will take care of that, and we all know God has a cruel, ironic sense of humor. That’s why evil people live forever. Mark my word, morons! Welcome to stupid America!