The good news is that the jury sent a very clear message with the awards; it’s the only means they have, and the interest starts accruing. The longer he refuses to pay, the more he owes. The bad news is that the families will never see any of it because here in America we protect capital, and we protect the vilest of the vile, usually in the name of freedom of hate speech and hate religion — never freedom from hate speech and hate religion. That’s who we are as a country. Juries can render all the verdicts they want while those culpable move money around, hire more lawyers, and, of course, declare bankruptcy. But whatever! The worst news is that American society is just f***ing dumb. The fact that this hate-monger (among many others) can perpetuate a gruesome lie for nearly a decade, gain adherents from it, and get rich is not only a blight on our national character, but it is the epitome of a severely f***tarded nation. Welcome to stupid America! Home of conspiracy theories and other assorted idiots! This is what a dying democracy looks like.