Looks like Putin created a martyr with the assassination of Alexei Navalny. The question is, though, do Russians care? The short answer is no. A few Russians may care, but the vast majority of these Slavic people love their dictator, Putin. It’s just that f***ing simple. What else is there to say? Over 20 years of authoritarian rule and corruption, and the people just take it! Year after year, they just take it. As I have said countless times, most people simply do not care about anything, and with Russians in particular, it’s fair to say most Russians seem to only care about their next shot of vodka. Too harsh? Too stereotypical? Eh! So, this society will continue on in the same fashion: Oppressive, corrupt, and autocratic. And no one will care. For Russians, it will be the same sh*t, different day. And they love it! This is a society that longs for its imperial past or, failing that, then Stalin’s Soviet Union. Russia has been hostile to the West almost for its entire existence, so anything other than a liberal democracy is preferable to to them. People get the government they deserve and desire — every time! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯