Look here, f***tards. I don’t know how many times I have to keep repeating myself and warning you morons? Democrats are going to lose both chambers of Congress. Mark my words. Fetterman’s performance at the debate was less than stellar. The Cook Report has shifted the Arizona Senate race to a toss-up. And the Georgia Senate race is a tie. And don’t get excited about the Ohio Senate race either. Close races in midterms given this economy will go to RepubliKKKlans. I don’t know what more proof you need that RepubliKKKlans are ascending. And I don’t care about Democratic and RepubliKKKlan voter turnout. It is meaningless. What matters are those f***ing swing voters who essentially have no loyalty to an ideology, so they can take or leave any given political-partisan policy or fight for personal rights. So, what is left for these people? What matters to these ambivalent voters? They’re wallet and IRA. It’s that f***ing simple. It’s the economy, stupid. Always has been, always will be. So, stop expecting Roe to save the midterms; it will not because, as I have said ad nauseam, abortions are other people’s problems! Stop expecting women to save Democrats; they will not because for every pro-choice voter there is an anti-abortion voter or voter who is indifferent. And for the love of f***ing God, stop expecting the next generation to vote; they never do until they have more skin in the game of politics. The typical voter is not as enlightened and as informed as you would have yourself believe. Never underestimate the average moron voter to look at their choices and wonder who is more likely to win. People want to vote for winners, so this notion that people have weighed and duly considered all the issues is a fantasy. In the secrecy and anonymity of the voting booth and in the absence of being informed, people vote for conservatives or who is “trending” (i.e., RepubliKKKlans). Mark my words. The end is coming. Welcome to stupid America!