MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

All RepubliKKKlans and MAGA Morons Are Retards: Study

A recent research study concludes: ” Previous research revealed that cognitive abilities are negatively related to right-wing and prejudiced attitudes. … Results from 2 adult samples (n = 409 and 574) in which abilities scores were collected in individual testing sessions, revealed that emotional abilities are significantly and negatively related to social-cultural and economic-hierarchical right-wing attitudes, as well as to blatant ethnic prejudice. These relationships were as strong as those found for cognitive abilities. For economic-hierarchical right-wing attitudes, emotional abilities were even the only significant correlate. It is therefore concluded that the study of emotional abilities has the potential to significantly advance our understanding of right-wing and prejudiced attitudes.” In other words, right-wingers are emotional (feeling) and cognitive (thinking) f***ing G.D. morons of the highest order. So much stupidity everywhere. Everywhere stupid people!