All RepubliKKKlans Are Murderers!

From The Hill, “Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) is under attack from state and national Republicans over new restrictions in the state designed to blunt the rapid spread of the coronavirus.” Of course, as the pandemic worsens in stupid America — because America is all stupid all the m*****f***ing time — well-meaning Democratic leaders are trying their best to control the spread of SARS 2 and protect citizens, but they can’t because “FREEDOM!” F*** me! I am so f***ing G.D. sick of this “FREEDOM!” excuse as the country burns around us. RepubliKKKlans and their “FREEDOM!” are killing everyone! I cannot pray hard enough that every RepubliKKKlan dies — quickly! As usual, no one is taking this pandemic seriously because not enough people have died! Apparently, 250 thousand dead Americans are not enough. The stupid is never enough.

Dear RepubliKKKlans: Here is a “FREEDOM!” tip for you f***tards! Suck on your Second Amendment right and pull the m*****f***ing G.D. trigger! Please! You people are better off dead! Welcome to trump stupid America. Yeah, we’re f***ed and the stupid will never end!