All Story, No Substance

A CNN headline reads, “Many millennials are worse off than their parents — a first in American history.” The story was almost worthless because it did not touch the political aspect of the individuals it highlighted in the article. Seriously?!?! The article talked about the “American Dream” while completely ignoring how these people vote — if they vote. I don’t understand how one writes an article about the differences between generations without acknowledging that the most important driver that differentiates the prosperity of generations aside from economics is politics, and actually I argue it’s politics that drives the economy. They specifically discuss how millennials came of age during the Great Recession which, in short, set the path for this generation to be less prosperous than their parents. Of course, the singular cause of the Great Recession is RepubliKKKlan policies and no-holds-barred capitalism. Of course, one’s political views should be critical to this story, but naturally, it’s not to a MSM piece like this, which seems to think the “American Dream” is completely unrelated to the influence of politics on America’s prosperity of the middle and lower classes. Nonetheless, I have no doubt far too many millennials are more than willing and happy to vote RepubliKKKlan. Welcome to stupid America because it must be Democrats’ fault!