All Stupid All the F***ing Time — Every Day, All Day!

From The Hill, “The survey found that 52 percent of voters disapprove of Trump’s response to the global outbreak, while 44 percent approve of it. The findings represent little change from a similar poll conducted in March, which found 51 percent of Americans opposed how he was handling the pandemic. … An overwhelming majority of Americans — 65 percent — also said they believe that Trump did not take the coronavirus seriously enough when it first presented itself as a threat. Forty-five percent of those respondents said Trump is still not handling it well, while 20 percent said that his response has since become effective.” None of this matters because America is just too f***ing stupid. Seriously! Just f*** it! I can’t! I just can’t take stupid America anymore! So, let me see if I understand the level of stupidity that pervades America every day, all day. As usual, this poll is both internally inconsistent because people are f***tards and dispositive that people are f***tards! How the f*** is it that only 52% disapprove of trump’s response. Really? I! F***ing! Can’t! Then there is the internal consistency of the poll. How is it that 52% disapprove of traitor trump’s response to the SARS 2 pandemic yet 65% of people do not think traitor trump took this crisis seriously from the start? He still doesn’t, f***ing morons! This is traitor trump’s one and only responsibility right now: to take this disease seriously, which he is not; it’s all just a show to him like everything in the presidency. Nonetheless, barely half of the nation thinks the Idiot-in-Chief is doing a poor job performing his duties. Welcome to trump stupid America!