According to CBS News, “A federal judge in Texas on Friday halted the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of the abortion pill mifepristone, delivering a blow to abortion rights advocates in the wake of the Supreme Court’s dismantling of the constitutional right to abortion.” Completely predicted! This should enrage people everywhere in America, but it won’t because I live in stupid America where no one really cares, just like most people don’t care about Roe being overturned. And don’t let the MSM convince you otherwise. While the Dobbs decision agitated and angered many and may have persuaded some people to actually vote for once, the overall impact has been marginal. May I remind readers that RepubliKKKlans control the U.S. House, RepubliKKKlans hold more supermajorities in state legislatures, and RepubliKKKlan-control states are completely undeterred in their efforts — and are successful — in implementing more restrictions on women’s bodies and their movement (i.e., Utah). Does this sound like an America wherein its citizens have been motivated to action by the Dobbs decision? Indeed, not! But I digress — again.
I write in angered response to the Texas ruling and in anticipation of the predictable lack of action resulting from this ruling, especially when SCOTUS gets a hold of it, which will anger me even more. Usually, I read the entire opinion or at least peruse it before commenting, but in this case, I did not because I already know the legal “reasoning” of Kacsmaryk’s opinion is all f***ing garbage, for as with most conservative legal rulings, the law is entirely beside the point. The end is the point. Ending all abortions is the point, and RepubliKKKlans march on with blinders affixed and buoyed by their success. So, I’m just going to fast-forward to the forthcoming SCOTUS opinion because it’s the only one that matters; the Alliance case is merely the vehicle. Thus, the question is, How will SCOTUS rule? I think that is a more straightforward call than most idiot pundits tell us, although some are hedging their bets after the fall of Roe.
Allow me to explain how and why I think SCOTUS will uphold Kacsmaryk’s opinion. Let’s start with the injunction that will not happen. Allow me to quote directly from the U.S. government website, “The Supreme Court has its own set of rules. According to these rules, four of the nine Justices must vote to accept a case. Five of the nine Justices must vote in order to grant a stay, e.g., a stay of execution in a death penalty case. Under certain instances, one Justice may grant a stay pending review by the entire Court.” It would take five justices to stay Kacsmaryk’s ruling. Who are the five? Justices Kagan, Sotomayor, Jackson, and probably Chief Justice Roberts. That’s one, two, three, four. Hmm. One short. So, the ban goes into effect. Perhaps the justice who oversees the Fifth Circuit may decide to step in to stay the ruling. Who is that? Justice Alito. So, not a chance in hell. Idiots may argue, but surely the Court would step in to freeze the status quo before they rule on the case. Really?!?! Are you f*** sure about that? Have you forgotten about Texas S.B. 8? Remember that law. The Abortion “Bounty” Law! If I had a dime for every moronic political and legal “expert” that claimed there is no way SCOTUS would allow that law to go into effect — all the same idiots that claimed Roe was safe, by the way — then I would be a very wealthy person. I have absolutely no faith SCOTUS will prevent this ruling — also out of Texas — from being implemented.
To be sure, SCOTUS will take up the case, but in all likelihood, will allow the ruling to stand in the meantime. So, how will the justices rule? Again, I think this is pretty easy because this uber-conservative theocratic court will impose its morals on the rest of us, which is to end all forms of abortions. This ruling will be the same breakdown as Dobbs. Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barret will side to uphold the Texas ruling, for this case will be a two-for. Not only is this Court hostile to abortion rights — and more generally, women’s bodily autonomy — but they are also hostile to the administrative state — and science more generally. This case presents an opportunity to diminish both. I can also anticipate the justices citing the original abortion medication (misoprostol) as an alternative substitute. They will argue that women still have access to that medicine, although it is more dangerous and painful, but that, too, is part of the point. These theocrats in black robes want women to suffer as part of the punishment for seeking out and getting an abortion. It is pure Biblical retribution and misogyny. They will also argue that all the FDA needs to do is go through the proper approval process, which takes years. Again, that is the point. And don’t believe justices like Kavanaugh, who wrote in the Dobbs case that there was no effort to ban all abortions. He lied. He lied during his confirmation that Roe was safe because it was “precedent on precedent.” They all lied to get on the bench to start taking abortion rights away, so this is just one more case that allows them to do just that. So, believe none of their promises. Only believe how they vote.
And Lord knows once the re-approval of mifepristone has been accomplished — if it ever gets to that point — a new case will be before Kacsmaryk, claiming the FDA also bungled that process. We already know that this judge likes to substitute his political and moral beliefs for evidence-based science. But fear not, people! No doubt f***tard Americans will have elected a RepubliKKKlan president before then who will have his FDA halt the approval process for mifepristone, or worse still withdraw its approval. But whatever. This is what people voted for. Elections have consequences. Idiot Americans will be living with the fallout of traitor trump for decades, and Americans are too stupid and too distracted to do the hard work — of voting for Democrats every time and consistently — to put the country back on track. The only way through — and out — is civil war. Mark my words, morons. Welcome to stupid America!