Always Willing Useful Idiots

From CNN, “President Donald Trump contradicted a nurse he was honoring in the Oval Office on Wednesday, insisting there are no personal protective equipment shortages in the US despite her account that availability could be ‘sporadic.’ A reporter asked the nurses attending the National Nurse Day event if their PPE supplies are where they need to be amid the coronavirus pandemic, and many of them nodded in agreement or answered affirmatively.” The real story is not that traitor trump contradicted a nurse or created his own truth in real-time because that’s just what he does and no one cares anymore. Although they should care — deeply. But whatever! No! The real story is who are these useful idiots that are still willing to stand behind the dumbest person on the planet and who in so doing give more legitimacy to traitor trump? Holy-f***ing-Scheiße! It never fails! Who are these f***tards? There are always morons willing to be photographed with traitor trump and don’t care or are too stupid to realize that they are not raising themselves up to traitor trump’s level but, rather, lowering themselves down to his level of stupidity. But, again, whatever! This ranks right up there with the classic joke: what do you call someone who graduates last in their class from medical school? Doctor! The same goes for nurses who stand behind traitor trump nodding in agreement. Not to mention that they are not social distancing, but whatever. A bunch of health care professionals who have been on the front line comes to the White House to meet traitor trump when they very well could be asymptomatic and undetectable for SARS 2. What could go wrong? Welcome to trump stupid America! It’s everywhere and at all levels!