America Is a Death Cult of Gun-lovers: Oh, Well!

Reporting from CNN, “In a ruling that compared the AR-15 to a Swiss Army knife, a federal judge overturned California’s longtime ban on assault weapons on Friday, ruling it violates the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms.” Of course! Of course, of course, of course! No one cares, and certainly, no one is paying attention as judges and lawmakers (Texas!) make sure America has more guns everywhere! Everyone gets a gun. You get a gun, and you get a gun, and you get a gun! And not just any gun, but the worst of guns! Typically, I would read legal opinions when I write about them. Still, in this case, I did not because just based on the one quote being reported, it clearly indicates the judge’s “reasoning” is complete garbage. Specifically, the judge states, “Like the Swiss Army Knife, the popular AR-15 rifle is a perfect combination of home defense weapon and homeland defense equipment. Firearms deemed as ‘assault weapons’ are fairly ordinary, popular, modern rifles.” Um, so he’s a death cult gun-lover! Where to begin with this one, short, moronic excerpt. Obviously, the judge lacks any credibility just by the pure preposterous nature of his “argument.” Like so many gun “enthusiasts,” the judge equates a weapon of war to a tool of utility. And I will not dignify objections raised by the distracting — yet ubiquitous — use of “weapon of war” with pleonastic explanation, but suffice it to say, anything other than a pistol or shotgun in the hands of an individual is likely something intended to do maximum damage quickly as if one were at war! You see, this “learned” judge argues, the AR-15 killing machine really is just like a pocket knife. You see, like the pocket knife that can cut small objects, double as a can opener, triple as a corkscrew opener, quadruple as a nail file, and so on, the AR-15 is just an “ordinary, popular” multi-purpose killing tool. Thus, by virtue of its mere mundanity and usefulness, it must be constitutional to own. It is the jejune argument equivalent of “but everyone is doing it.” I can’t! I just f***ing can’t with these f***ing morons anymore. Whatever!

Then this idiot judge argues that because such guns are readily available in other states, it is unconstitutional for Californians to be denied similar access. Apparently, this f***tard judge has never heard of the Tenth Amendment — “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” This Amendment establishes the federalism principle, also known as states’ rights. In short, if the federal government has not prohibited a ban on the ownership of assault-style weapons, then States are free to do so, and California did! Certainly, SCOTUS has never ruled on the constitutionality of such a prohibition, and therein lies the true motivation, of course! Of course, this is just a means to the ultimate end: Get (another) gun ownership case in front of the f***-America and who-cares-who-dies-as-a-result-of-our-rulings SCOTUS. In particular, this case would be highly fruitful for the death cult in that it would open the flood gates for no limitations on the type of guns people may be allowed to own. Mark my words, f***tards. This is the case of which death cult gun owners have been dreaming, especially given this ultra-conservative SCOTUS. This court will stop at nothing to gleefully interrupt the unlimited nature of the Second Amendment. Mark my words. No state will be allowed to regulate guns in the name of public safety or public health; we must all be inducted into the American death cult! I give up!

One need only follow the logic of the cases being coerced to SCOTUS by gun lovers. First, the 2008 Heller case established the right of every American to own a gun within the home. In other words, everyone gets a gun. Check! Next, SCOTUS will review this year’s NY State Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Corlett, in which the argument is to what extent a State may regulate gun owners taking guns outside the home. No question about how SCOTUS will rule on this case. In other words, everyone gets a gun to carry anywhere. Check! Last is the up-and-coming Miller v. California, which will test the right of gun owners to own any gun they want. Again, the death cult enabling SCOTUS will undoubtedly seek and find inexplicable, expansive, and unlimited gun rights in the Second Amendment that have never been seen before now. In other words, everyone gets any gun. Check! All in all: Anyone gets any weapon they want to carry everywhere. Check! Check! And check! What could possibly go wrong in such a society? It’s the beginning of the end, morons. The only piece left is the faultless use of guns. In other words, as long as one feared something (anything — a shadow, for instance), the lethal use of a gun will be perfectly justified because FREEDOM! All of this will be thanks to RepubliKKKlans and SCOTUS. And no one will care as the 21st century becomes more the wild, wild West than the 19th and early 20th centuries ever were. I give up!

And I close with this. Look, idiots! Guns are intended for one purpose and one purpose only: To kill people or animals. (Given the current nature of American society, the aforementioned statement contains a blatant redundancy.) Moreover, people who collect guns or think they are some sort of pastime or hobby or sport have a real serious mental illness, which I guess indeed explains a substantial proportion of the citizenry. In short, America is a death cult where everyone is just waiting to be killed as everyone expects everyone else to do something about it. To be sure, politicians are incompetent to do anything about gun deaths because they don’t care either. Welcome to stupid, stupid America. Don’t worry, morons. Nothing will ever change (for the better). Watch out! An open-carry AR-15 is coming to your town, and there is not a single f***ing thing you can do about it! RIP America!