
America Is Doomed: Voting No Longer Theoretical

This primary season is over, and America is over, f***tards! And I was right — again. I said it would be a blowout on a historic level for traitor trump, and it was, predictably. Now I have to hear MSM media pundits and various political morons tell me that the Iowa results somehow are an outlier and traitor trump is weak and could never win a national election again. To that, I say this: They are wrong, and they’re all f***ing morons. Moreover, I think Iowa is more representative of RepubliKKKlans nationwide than New Hampshire. It is no longer theoretical that people may not vote for someone with so much political and legal baggage, but the problem is f***tards of the political pundit, “expert” class think traitor trump’s legal issues are baggage. They are not; they are badges of courage, and people love him for his “prosecutions,” as if he is literally the second coming of Christ going through the trials and tribulations of our times for them. Once again, I will remind idiots of America that there is no such thing as a never-trumper. They do not exist, for when push comes to shove, people will vote for traitor trump with alacrity. So all these DeSantis and Haley votes are not protest votes; they are soon-to-be traitor trump votes. Haley is not going to win New Hampshire. I promise you that, f***tards. And as for these moderate Independents who may not vote for traitor trump in the general election, they don’t exist either. When it comes to a one-on-one contest between Biden and traitor trump, Independents will vote for whoever has the momentum, and the momentum has been and will continue to be with traitor trump. Political pundits think Independents are maverick voters; they are not. They are fair-weather voters and more concerned about correctly voting for the expected winner rather than who has the best policies.

And another thing, the polls were correct about traitor trump. In fact, he won by even more than the polls predicted, but because polls got the exact percentage wrong, pundits will claim that they are all wrong and cannot be trusted, yet the polls ultimately get the general outcomes correct. Recall the 2022 election. Polls predicted that RepubliKKKlans would take back the House, and they did. Nonetheless, moronic political pundits would have you believe that all the polls are untrustworthy and nothing more than a prediction at a given point in time. So, when these national and state surveys show traitor trump constantly and consistently ahead of Biden, then believe them and be f***ing afraid. The end is here, morons. Mark my words! Mark them well.

Last, we come to the one (no longer) open question remaining: Will voters elect a person who has been impeached twice, indicted four times on 91 felony counts, led and supported an insurrection against the government, and wants to be a dictator? Of course, they will! I did not doubt that they would because I live in stupid f***ing hell. People just don’t f***ing care. Americans want the corrupt crook leading this country! They want chaos; they want the destruction and dysfunction of our institutions; they want to blow up the federal government; they want an end to America’s liberal democracy. For voters, it’s all about fear and loathing of the “other” at this point. Nothing more, nothing less. America is over, f***tards. Fascism is coming to America. How many f***ing times must I say it before you believe me? Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America!