America Is Permanently Infected with the Stupid!

From the Associated Press, “President Donald Trump staged a dramatic return to the White House Monday night after leaving the military hospital where he has been receiving an unprecedented level of care for COVID-19. He immediately ignited a new controversy by declaring that despite his illness the nation should not fear the virus that has killed more than 210,000 Americans — and then he entered the White House without a protective mask. Trump’s message alarmed infectious disease experts and suggested the president’s own illness had not caused him to rethink his often-cavalier attitude toward the disease, which has also infected the first lady and several White House aides, including new cases revealed on Monday.” Of course, traitor trump has learned absolutely nothing except that he’s now officially over the pandemic, and so should everyone else.

From the moron who claimed he “gets it” a day ago, now advises everyone not to fear the disease (i.e., it’s not that bad because he survived). Then traitor trump returns to the White House maskless as though the entire pandemic is over. He’s cured. Mission accomplished. Superman defeats SARS 2 in only three days! Nothing to see here. It is the return to normal — pre-pandemic style. And by all impressions, he looks normal, but who knows why? Legitimate improvement or his true state of health is masked by the drugs? That’s why I’ve been saying from the beginning to watch out should traitor trump survive. I’m telling all you morons out there. The only good outcome was if traitor trump died; otherwise, he will be supercharged to spread his version of a SARS 2 message, namely it’s all been overhyped and it’s a media hoax. His recovery just made the pandemic in America a deadlier disaster. A recovered traitor trump is more dangerous than ever! Mark my words, f***tards!

All of this is just an effort to get back to his MAGA moron Nuremberg hate rallies as soon as possible. And the nation loves him for it! Mark my words, morons. It’s all a show, f***tards. No one cares; morons just want to be entertained by the traitor trump reality show — traitor trump in a helicopter, traitor trump in the hospital, traitor trump in a parade, traitor trump on the balcony. Traitor trump infected America with hate and stupidity, and it can never be cured. Welcome to trump stupid America! The stupid can never be undone at this point. I live in stupid hell!