
America Is Too Dumb to Survive

From CNN, “Most Americans say they think President Joe Biden was involved in his son’s business dealings with Ukraine and China while he served as vice president under Barack Obama, according to a CNN poll conducted by SSRS. A majority, 61%, say they think that Biden had at least some involvement in Hunter Biden’s business dealings, with 42% saying they think he acted illegally, and 18% saying that his actions were unethical but not illegal. Another 38% say they don’t believe Joe Biden had any involvement in his son’s business dealings during his vice presidency. Just 1% believe Biden was involved, but did not do anything wrong. A 55% majority of the public says the president has acted inappropriately regarding the investigation into Hunter Biden over potential crimes, while 44% say that he has acted appropriately.”

Granted, this poll has an oversampling of RepubliKKKlan and RepubliKKKlan-leaning Independents, which is manifest in the results. And let’s not even get into CNN’s purposefully wandering into RepubliKKKlan talking points. Nonetheless, a country this f***ing G.D. stupid cannot survive! I read poll results like this, and I hate Americans all over again. I don’t even know where to f***ing begin, but I will reiterate that America is very truly and most certainly the dumbest f***ing nation on the planet. A country of unadulterated f***tards. America is the essence of stupidity. It is an idiocracy boiled down and refined to its purest form. I would love to understand how and why morons of America think Biden is corrupt — that’s the real underlying question intended by this survey. What proof exactly has convinced people that Biden was involved in Hunter Biden’s business dealings? RepubliKKKlans have been trying to dig up evidence since January. And what have they found? Not a f***ing G.D. thing! And they won’t because it doesn’t exist. Yet, people believe what they “feel” because RepubliKKKlans have achieved precisely what they intended to do all along — sully Biden’s reputation based on nothing but smoke and mirrors. They are taking a page right out of Russia’s propaganda playbook. Just like with Hillary Clinton in 2016, it is a smear campaign. And guess what? It’s working. It’s working because Americans are morons of the highest f***ing order and believe anything. Just ask traitor trump. Speaking of whom, if Biden’s “corruption” was so f***ing blatant, pervasive, and damaging, then why didn’t traitor trump discover it while he was president? Why didn’t his Justice Department prosecute Joe Biden’s underhanded dealings? Because there wasn’t anything to investigate and prosecute.

And how exactly has Biden “acted inappropriately regarding the investigation into Hunter Biden over potential crimes?” Last I checked — thanks (not!) to idiot-boy Garland — Hunter Biden is facing prosecution on frivolous gun charges. Lord knows what investigations and prosecutions the special prosecutor will be allowed to unleash on Biden’s son — again, no thanks to Garland. I guess this hands-off approach by Biden is inappropriate in the eyes of f***tards. Are you f***ing kidding me with this sh*t? This country is just f***ing lost and stupid beyond repair. If the average American can’t discern fact from fiction, fact from opinion, and fact from feelings, then there is no hope left. The end is here, and this poll result is just another data point to support my thesis. The plan by RepubliKKKlans has always been to turn the public against President Biden as they did with Hillary to get traitor trump elected, and right on cue, it’s working because Americans are f***tards! I live in stupid hell with no way out! Once again, America will sleepwalk right into another traitor trump presidency, and the end of our democracy will be complete. And no one f***ing cares. Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America!