
America Moves Swiftly to Peak Stupidity

Photo by Patrick Smith

According to Barron’s, “You knew Taylor Swift was influential, but Republicans are now crediting the singer with James-Bond-villain-level powers in a wacky conspiracy theory claiming the singer’s romance with NFL star Travis Kelce is really a plot to rig the Super Bowl and get President Joe Biden reelected. … Right-wingers — who, like their leader Donald Trump, increasingly see conspiracy theories under every stone — detected not a love story but a deep-state psychological operation against the American people and the November presidential election. Fox News hosted a discussion with a former FBI agent asking: ‘Is Taylor Swift a Pentagon asset?’… And Vivek Ramaswamy, a failed Republican presidential candidate now fully behind Trump’s bid for a second term, suggested there is a plot to boost Biden through a faked Swift-Kelce relationship and a rigged Chiefs victory in the Super Bowl. … A major pro-Trump broadcast personality, Mike Crispi, said it all even more clearly: ‘EVERYONE knows Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce is fake and the Super Bowl is rigged. You’re a whacko at this point if you DON’T believe it.’”

Kill! Me! Now! I don’t even know where to start with this sh*t-for-brains country. I really don’t. Just when I thought that I could not possibly wake up in a dumber country, f***tards of America prove me wrong — again. This is what a dying country looks like. This is what the dumbest country on the face of the planet looks like. The Swift conspiracy theory makes Pizzagate look like an immutable mathematical axiom. I’m starting to question if 2 + 2 does indeed equal 4 because I’m losing my f***ing G.D. ever-loving mind over this nonsense. Look, f***tards, a country this stupid cannot endure. It simply cannot. I’ve been saying it for years, and slowly but surely, Americans are proving my point. Some may think I’m judging the nation too harshly by one or two rogue conspiracy theories that a few (tens of millions) believe, but to that, I say: You’re G.D. right that I’m judging the whole by the few — justly. As a collective, people should be mortified to live in a country where Swift, Kelce, and the NFL are being accused of plotting to defeat traitor trump in the presidential election through some psyop. I would not be caught dead agreeing with this lunacy, yet “news” networks like Fox are running with this story as if it’s hard journalism and fact. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. America is doomed. Welcome to stupid America, a country dumber today than it was yesterday — as always!