
America: The Land of Dip-Sh*ts

From The Hill, “Most Americans said that they believe that they would be better off financially and that the United States would be kept out of war if former President Trump was reelected to the White House, according to a new poll. The new CBS News poll found that 45 percent of Americans believed that they would be better off financially if the former president succeeds in his third bid for the White House. Another 32 percent said they would be financially worse off if Trump wins and 23 percent said it would not change anything. … When it comes to whether the U.S. will be kept out of war in the near future, voters instilled more confidence in Trump than Biden in keeping the country out of wars. Forty-three percent of voters said that the chances that the U.S. would get involved in a war would decrease if Trump won next year’s election while 39 percent said the chances would increase under Trump.”

Look, f***tards! America is simply not smart enough to endure, and this is more proof that Americans do not understand the economy or international politics. These f***tard respondents do realize that traitor trump would “avoid” wars by giving dictators whatever they want. Putin gets Ukraine. Xi gets Taiwan. Kim gets South Korea. I guess Putin would also get Alaska if he asked nicely. But this is what Americans want. This is the policy for which they would have endorsed by electing traitor trump: Peace through capitulation because Americans are the dumbest people on the planet who have no sense of history. Indeed, America has a solid and long history of isolationism. They didn’t want to be a part of World War I or World War II, but world events have a strange way of dragging nations into confrontations. Yet Americans yearn to be the proverbial ostrich with its head in the sand.

As for the economy, how well do idiot Americans think capitalism prospers in a dying democracy? I don’t know. Ask Russia. Although that country never really had a thriving democracy or economy after the fall of the U.S.S.R., one could easily sense that traitor trump would turn into an autocrat to plunder America’s economy, just as Putin has for the last 20 years. But, again, Americans are too stupid to see the similarities and make the connection. All f***tards of America understand is that RepubliKKKlans love lower taxes for the rich, which incidentally is only 0.05 percent of the electorate. I’m sure idiot voters have yet to apprehend that the great tax breaks he gave to the middle class expire at the end of 2025, but such provisions for corporations never expire. But you can’t convince morons of America of this. They want the guy back in office who ran up the national debt further and faster than any president in history and who likes to stiff the little guy. This! This is what a stupid nation looks like.

I am telling you, morons of America. Traitor trump is going to be the next president, and the end of our democracy will ensue. But no one gives a d*mn because America is just too f***ing stupid to apprehend the danger of his return, for they have all already forgotten just how disastrous and exhausting his first term was. As I constantly say, Biden is merely the intermission to the end of America because Americans are stupid and bored. Thus, they want to switch the channel from boring Biden to exciting traitor trump. Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America! The end is here; people just haven’t realized it yet.