America, the Stupid!

From CNN, “White House chief of staff Mark Meadows said Sunday that the US is ‘not going to control’ the coronavirus pandemic, as cases surge across the country and nearly 225,000 Americans have died from the virus.” In other words, let the pandemic run its course and good luck with that! Yeah, Americans don’t care. All MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans especially don’t care. It’s all stupid all the m*****f***ing time. No one is taking SARS 2 seriously. It’s all a hoax. Nothing to see here. It will all just go away! Go away eventually!

Source: Worldometers

Whatever! I give up. If 40 percent of stupid America all think SARS 2 is a hoax or overblown or refuse to wear a mask, then we are never going to get over this. We get the government we deserve, and we deserve this — a clueless, callous government that just doesn’t care about the pandemic. Make no mistake! Americans wanted someone (traitor trump the moron) to shake things up! So, congratu-f***ing-lations! We got it! At what point does the 60 percent get feed up with being ruled over by the 40 percent? Americans sure don’t vote like they care about tyranny by the minority. Welcome to trump stupid America where the 40 percent will kill us all!