
America: Too Dumb to Survive

This poll has been causing a lot of consternation among Democrats over the weekend. Oddly enough, I am not one of them, although I am worried for different reasons. If you look at the history going back to July, you’ll see that October appears to be evidence of the ongoing vicissitudes of the race. The October number looks more stark compared to the September results, to be sure, but it’s all still within the range of variations. Moreover, this is a survey of registered voters, which no one in the MSM seems to have pointed out. Polling registered voters is less desirable and informative than polling likely voters. All this aside, what continues to alarm me is that this race is even this close. As I’ve been saying for years now, this sh*t-for-brains country should be nowhere near contemplating electing traitor trump again, yet 48 percent of Americans are persistently and irrevocably brain damaged, so we’re on the cusp of electing America’s first dictator — and no one seems to f***ing care. The apathy is incomprehensible to me, but then again, I should expect nothing less from a supremely f***tarded nation. Seriously, when half the country has an average IQ in the high double digits, one really can’t expect the country to function for long. We’ve reached that moment in history when generations of RepubliKKKlan inbreeding have finally reached critical mass whereby their offspring are too stupid to think for themselves or reason, so they mimic their parents’ votes. Witness the hoards of youthful MAGA moron mouth breathers lining the risers behind traitor trump at any given rally.

So, here is my final prediction for the election, assuming no major, unexpected event. Traitor trump will win the Electoral College, naturally. That’s a given. By how much? Eh, not sure. He’ll probably sweep the blue wall states again. In fact, I will go one step further; you can anticipate the exact moment of traitor trump’s win. If Harris, like Hillary, does not win Pennsylvania early in the night, then she loses. In 2016, I knew Hillary lost when Pennsylvania could not call the race for her within a couple of hours. She was trailing in that state’s returns from the start and never recovered.

He won’t win the popular vote, though. Thanks to our Founding Fathers and their infinite wisdom, we’ll be a nation once again at the mercy of a minority of the population controlling the majority. Thanks a lot, fellas! I will go one step further still and predict that traitor trump will receive more votes than he did in 2020. Imagine that! Given the disaster of his first administration, traitor trump got 10 million more votes than he did in the 2016 election. Now consider everything that’s happened since. I’m confident this sh*t-for-brains country is ready to give him even more votes! Because I live in stupid f***ing hell. Then all hell will break loose. (More on that in another post.) Welcome to stupid America. I’ve been warning you for years, yet no one believes me. Oh, well. Be careful what you wish for because you just might get it, and these sh*t-for-brain voters have no idea what they’re getting themselves into, especially these marginal, minority voters. Oh, well, f***tards! You will finally get the government you deserve and desire, and that will be an even more dysfunctional government with a dictator at its head. What could possibly go wrong?