America Under Cyberattack: Traitor [T]rump Does Nothing, Nobody Cares

Reporting from CNN, “The massive data breach, revealed in the final weeks of Trump’s administration, amounts to a dramatic coda for a presidency clouded by questions of deference to Russia and unsuccessful attempts to warm relations with its President, Vladimir Putin. Just as he has largely ignored the latest surge in coronavirus cases, Trump appears to have all but abdicated responsibility in his final weeks in office. … Trump said nothing about the attack, which went undetected by his administration’s intelligence agencies for months. As those agencies now mobilize to assess the damage — which the government said Thursday could be more widespread than initially thought, posing a ‘grave risk to the federal government’ — the President himself remains silent on the matter, preoccupied instead with his election loss and his invented claims of widespread voter fraud.”

Eh! So what? Who cares? Seriously?!?! Who really f***ing cares anymore? I am so apoplectic by this and traitor trump’s complete indifference and all the MAGA morons loving the traitor even more as he continues to do nothing that I just can’t care anymore. If I’ve said it once then I’ve said it a thousand times before: America is just too f***ing G.D. stupid to survive and this latest Russian attack is more proof that I live in a country of m*****f***ing G.D. f***tards that cannot (should not) survive as a nation! The MSM is still more fascinated by that elderly person getting the first vaccination or that reporter asking if the vaccine is being injected at -70 degrees (Celsius). Make no mistake morons of American: this cyberattack by Russia is the 21 century equivalent of a military attack and nobody cares. This is an act of war you m*****f***ing G.D. f***tards of the highest f***ing order, but whatever. Nobody cares!

Just remember that you did this! Yes, you! This is what Americans elected four years ago and we are still in that aftermath. This is what Americans wanted. This is what happens when the dumbest country on the planet elected the dumbest person in the world to be the leader of what used to be the Free World. It is also stupid America that thinks the course correction of electing Biden will somehow suddenly reverse the damage. We’re doomed and I don’t think Biden will be strong enough. Certainly stronger than traitor trump but just not strong enough — strong a la Obama who was rather weak in the face of Russia, especially in the final months of his presidency. America is too busy being fascinated by QAnon and conspiracy theories and anti-vaxxers and making sure bars stay open during the pandemic and posting pictures of funny-looking cats on Facebook. Yeah, America is f***ing screwed.

It’s all part of the American idiocracy that keeps thinking zig-zagging between political parties’ control of the White House is the most productive and beneficial course of action to advance the nation. Look in the mirror, f***tards! What do you see? Who is reflected back? Traitor trump! Yes! Traitor trump is the Everyman of America. America looks into the mirror and sees the incompetence, treachery, stupidity, and weakness that defines traitor trump and they love it! America needs the Einsatzgruppen to eliminate the stupidity and cancer that is MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, and evil evangelicals! Whatever! If you want to know what a dying country looks like then look in the mirror, moron! And if you are a MAGA moron or RepubliKKKlan then please use your Second Amendment right to expedite your trip to hell! Welcome to trump stupid America! The stupid hurts and never ends. It’s the mirror, stupid!