American Citizens Still in Russia — WTF?

From CNN, “The U.S. State Department has confirmed the arrest of American citizen Travis Leake in Russia and said U.S. embassy officials attended his arraignment Saturday. Moscow’s courts of general jurisdiction earlier released a statement on the social media app Telegram saying a U.S. citizen had been detained on drugs charges.” Dear Biden, don’t waste your f***ing time, political capital, or emotions on this Leake idiot. Any Americans, besides diplomats, who are still in Russia are f***ing G.D. morons of the highest m*****f***ing order and should be left to the consequences of their own idiotic decisions. The State Department advised from the beginning of Russia’s illegal invasion of Ukraine that Americans should leave Russia — immediately — and not travel to the terrorist country, yet some f***tards remained or went away. Oh, well! Too bad for them if they end up in a Russian penal colony. The American government should not help these f***tards. They are too stupid to survive life any longer. Welcome to stupid Ameria. Stupid people are everywhere.