American Mass Shooting: Days Ending in ‘Y’

Neo-Nazi Payton Gendron; Attribution BigDawg via Reuters

Hmm. If it’s Saturday, then there must be another mass shooting in America. As Forbes writes, “The U.S. has averaged more than one mass shooting a day this year, continuing an upward trend since researchers began thoroughly tracking the subject following the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary.” But particularly special about today’s mass shooting in a Buffalo, New York supermarket is the racist and Great Replacement motivations, which are 100 percent propagated by RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. As I have written ad nauseam, all these people — 40 percent of the population, at least — are a cancer on this nation.

Look, morons! America is doomed. I don’t know how many times I have to keep saying it. I don’t know how many examples of American life I have to evince. I don’t know how many tragedies I must share before this country wakes up to its impending doom. I can already hear the right-wing arguments against one lone 18-year-old white supremacist targeting and killing 10 Blacks. The people who are the likes of Tucker “I’m a Racist” Carlson, who espouses the Great Replacement Theory on his show daily, will declare it’s not their fault. They will claim this guy is a crazy “lone wolf” kid. They will claim this “not a domestic terrorist attack” is all the more reason for everyone to conceal carry. Fear not, for SCOTUS is about to grant Second Amendment gun nuts’ wish by making America a true hellscape of people armed to the teeth and donned with all the latest tactical gear to walk the dog.

But whatever! I say the same sh*t after every mass shooting because it’s all the same. I could actually sum up everything in a few fragments of thought. America’s crazy love of guns, social media, and the “reality show.” America’s white supremacy problem. One political party desires and stokes minority hatred. SCOTUS is about to flood the nation with permitless conceal carry because FREEDOM! (Freedom to be killed, that is, but only in America!) And, of course, no one cares because it all keeps happening over and over and over and over again. “Thoughts and prayers!” Meaningless. I can’t wait for nothing to change! Welcome to stupid America!