MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

American Pride

From Axios, “Americans’ pride in the U.S. has hit its lowest point since Gallup first asked the question in 2001: 70% of U.S. adults say they’re proud to be Americans; fewer than half (45%) are ‘extremely’ proud.” Imagine that! A minority of f***ing G.D. morons elects an idiot as president to literally rule over the majority and suddenly people are feeling the least prideful since the measure has been recorded. Welcome to trump stupid America. When the f*** will this country f***ing wake up and learn we live in a land of tyranny by the minority over the majority? Time after time, example after example the minority of Americans impose their will against the will of the majority. Climate change and the Paris agreement, gun control and background checks, access to quality affordable health care and drug prices, a woman’s right to control her own body, progressive taxation (the rich pay more), and money in elections name a few causes off the top of my head. While the majority of people favor these progressive ideas, we get a minority party controlling the government that continuously tries to roll back progress. Hello, f***tards! Living in a democracy takes work! It doesn’t happen automatically, but apparently, idiots of America seem to think by not voting things will somehow improve. What happens when people fail to vote? We get a country ruled by MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans! So, congratu-f***ing-lations. We have the government we deserve, which most people seem to dislike, and I expect citizens will be too apathetic and too lazy to want to make a change, which is why traitor trump is going to get re-elected because stupid can’t be fixed overnight! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. So much stupidity! Stupid people everywhere. Everywhere stupid people.