American Snowflakes

According to The Daily Beast, “On Monday, Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle in Florida threw out the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s mask mandate for air travel and other forms of mass transportation. Deaths from COVID-19—and the mask mandates intended to prevent them—may be on the wane nationwide, but whatever you think about such policies, this is the latest and most egregious example of a judge acting as a partisan warrior in the COVID-19 culture wars. … Now she is substituting her opinion for that of scientific professionals at the CDC, and dictating health policy in America. The outcome could be disastrous, only serving to further embolden the right-wing activists who dispute the reality of this horrifically lethal pandemic. … The CDC first issued a public health order requiring masks in interstate transportation and at transit hubs in February 2021, and it didn’t take long for anti-mask diehards to make getting on a plane or train a nerve-wracking proposition. Still, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) issued security directives to enforce the CDC order, and the CDC and TSA have extended that mandate throughout the pandemic. Just last week, the CDC extended the mandate for 15 days, until May 3. … Judge Mizelle says that enforcing such a mandate is akin to ‘detention and quarantine,’ which she claims is beyond CDC’s remit. Really? [Truly!] The CDC operates under what has long been called the ‘quarantine regulations.’ The statute in question—the Public Health Services Act—has been in use since 1948, and was designed to prevent interstate and international transmission of dangerous infectious diseases. … Rogue judges, at one time or another, have neutered virtually every major COVID-19 risk mitigation order issued by the Biden administration. But if this order can be nullified, there is literally nothing the CDC or the federal government could do to fight COVID-19. Even worse, the ruling may serve to handcuff the CDC when the next health crisis hits. The agency may become gun-shy, afraid to exercise even the most urgently needed public health powers, and conservative activists who have long made headlines for travel crimes and misconduct will feel vindicated [emphasis added].”

Snowflakes always win! Anti-vaxxers always win! Anti-maskers always win! RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons always win! The stupid always wins! The Biden administration cannot let this ruling stand; it must be adjudicated before SCOTUS, which has ironically been upholding some federal regulations regarding COVID. (Normally, I would pursue a tirade about how Biden would let this ruling by a MAGA moron judge go unchallenged, but he is a wartime president, so I’ll refrain.) But whatever! Nothing matters anymore because America is a bunch of whiney f***ing G.D. selfish b*tchy snowflakes who are incapable of doing the minimally required actions to control the virus and help others. If and when COVID comes roaring back, then the public will be unwilling to do anything or follow any regulations to mitigate the pandemic’s spread because America is stupid, and judges are literally substituting their conservative biases for CDC directives. Americans think they are done with the virus, but I promise — the virus is not done with you! Apparently, there are large swaths of the public that the virus has yet to eliminate from the planet; perhaps a silver lining behind this judge’s ruling is the hastening of the end of these people. Welcome to stupid America! Eh, I expected nothing less!