Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

American Theocracy: Get Ready F***tards!

From The New Civil Rights Movement, “Florida Republican Governor Ron DeSantis appears to be using the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ legislation he signed into law with barely any notice Monday as the new flag of his bible-based anti-LGBTQ re-election campaign. ‘Gird your loins for battle. We are going to fight. You put on the full armor of God,’ the Florida Republican running for re-election says in a video posted to social media this week, with the state flag behind him and a poster reading, ‘Keep Florida Free.’”

The real question is, What is the LGBTQ community prepared to do to defend itself from this rising Christian threat? Are you people ready to go to war with these haters? They want to kill the gays! Are the gays ready to kill back? Mark my words, people. Standing by like dumbass Democrats, hoping things will work themselves out, is a road to ruination. DeSantis is hiding nothing. He is fully displaying his intentions, so do not be the fool who trusts in the better side of human nature, for in the Christian person, it does not exist! These RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are full of hate and intend to exercise it. To the LGBTQ community, I say: Rise up! Rise up and arm up before it’s too late! It will already be too late when the traitor trump-DeSantis ticket wins the next presidential election. Failure to act means an American theocracy! When DeSantis says “keep Florida free,” he means free of the gays! Believe your eyes, people! America is going backward! Mark my words!