Americans Are Morons

From The Hill, “A slim majority of Americans surveyed in a poll released Friday would support pardoning former President Trump if he is convicted and sentenced to jail over allegations that he mishandled classified documents. The Harvard CAPS-Harris poll found 53 percent of total respondents — 80 percent of Republicans and 30 percent of Democrats — would support a pardon in the interest of national unity, showing a large partisan divide in opinion.” Allow myself to quote myself by reminding idiots of America about my First Axiom: Traitor trump ain’t going nowhere because no jury on this planet is going to convict him of anything — ever. Hell! Most Americans simply want to move on to the “forgiveness” stage already despite traitor trump’s criminality and callous disregard for our national security.

I expected nothing less from a country populated by f***tards. Not only is America overpopulated with morons, but the national memory is suffering from amnesia. How quickly we forget Ford’s pardon of Nixon. How did that turn out? Oh, sure, at the time, the same excuse of “national healing” was invoked. Still, in the end, all it did was place presidents above the law and above accountability, which is why we’re in this mess in the first place, except now traitor trump’s transgressions are far more egregious. Yet, Americans are all too eager to overlook and forget. A country this stupid and this unwilling to hold criminals at the highest levels of the government accountable is what a dying nation looks like. I’m not sure how or why I’m the only person to apprehend this. Nonetheless, here we are: The entire criminal case against traitor trump has not made it to the light of day, but Americans want to let him off the hook so the next criminal president — which Americans will certainly elect one day because this is stupid f***ing America — can commit worse crimes. Do you know what kind of leaders engage in crimes? Dictators! Not those who cherish democracy and the rule of law. But whatever. I live in stupid f***ing hell. If we, as a country, cannot hold traitor trump up to the rule of law, then why even bother with the law in the first place? I guess the First Axiom is a self-fulfilling prophecy. A pardon will not heal the country; it will only tear it further apart and signal to the next criminal that a president can get away with anything. Welcome to stupid, stupid America! The stupid never ends, from sea to shining sea!