Americans Get the Government They Want

As matters surrounding the end of Roe worsen, I am becoming more convinced that this is what Americans want (and deserve). For those not paying attention, Oklahoma is tripping all over itself to pass abortion ban laws. The most recent is a bill that declares fertilization of an egg as life, which will undoubtedly make some forms of contraception illegal. But guess what? This is what Americans want! Do not be fooled by any recent opinion polls declaring that 64 percent of citizens think Roe should remain the law of the land. There is a big difference between want people say they want and what people do to effectuate their desires. Over 90 percent of Americans want more gun control reform, yet nothing ever changes; voters don’t their control gun beliefs. People want something done about climate change, but again nothing changes. That’s not how people vote. How people vote is absolutely reflected in the America around us at state and federal levels. In most cases, they are unintended consequences, but the outcomes perfectly reveal what people want and are willing to tolerate nonetheless, especially when voters re-elect the same politicians to reinforce and extend the same disastrous policies like abortion bans. Oh, well. So, the next time you b*tch about your state or the country falling apart around you, then look in the mirror! You did this! Welcome to stupid America!